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Those holding stock in the Kraft Foods Group Inc were surprised, to say the least, when on Thursday October 4th the Kraft shares opened at $45.55 then surged to $58.54. The Nasdaq attributed the rapid change to “broker error.” This occurred only days after Kraft Foods and Mondelez International, a former part of Kraft foods began trading as two separate companies.
DISTINGUISHED PRACTICES: Tips for Real Wealth Managers™. A July Tax Court of Canada decision clarified the importance of the location of a business for the purpose of tax exemption.
As part of its Red Tape Reduction efforts, the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has created a dedicated team that is charged with cutting red tape for small businesses, thereby enhancing service.As part of its Red Tape Reduction efforts, the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has created a dedicated team that is charged with cutting red tape for small businesses, thereby enhancing service.