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This Week’s Edition of KBR:

October 2024 Poll

October is small business month! Do you think more Canadians today are interested in starting their own businesses?
Yes: 26 votes
No: 14 votes

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Federal Government Considering a Tax on Vacant Land

In 2013, author and commentator Mark Milke penned a book which ought to have been on every bookshelf in this country. It was titled “Tax Me, I’m Canadian.”  While some of the provisions of the Tax Act in that edition may no longer apply, it is still very much worth the read. Milke lays bare the many and varied ways our governments take our money away from us. (Yes. It is our money, not theirs).  Now, another new tax regime is being contemplated: a tax on privately owned, vacant land and the reasons may surprise you. You may wish to let your clients know about this.

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The Law:  A Critical Requirement for Wealth Creation

In Canada and other western democracies, we operate under the rule of law.  But what does that mean and why does it matter when it comes to the work tax and financial advisors do and the contractual arrangements they have, including letters of engagement?  The answer is both simple and profound:  the rule of law may be one of the most important requirements for the creation of wealth. For these reasons, Knowledge Bureau has created the certificate course:  Understanding Employment and Business Contracts.

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Gratitude: Nobel Prize Awarded for Wealth Inequality Research

With the feasts of Thanksgiving behind us in Canada, we begin the fall with gratitude for so much, not the least of which is that we live in a peaceful democracy.  Notably there is a connection between that and the Nobel Prize for economic sciences, awarded on Thanksgiving Day this year.  It recognized three laureates for their research into why some countries are rich and some are poor.  Their conclusions could have implications for the advice tax and financial advisors give as well. 

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Marquis Firm of the Year: Onelife Wealth Management

Knowledge Bureau is pleased to announce that Onelife Wealth Management has been honored as the Marquis Firm of the Year and will receive this special award at the Acuity Conference for Distinguished Advisors, on November 10 at the St. James Club in Montreal. In this interview with Knowledge Bureau President Evelyn Jacks, advisor Christ Valentine, MFA, DMA, MFA-P, RWM, one of the 26 members in the firm, discusses why this award is especially meaningful.

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RSVP Now: Year-End Tax Planning & Advanced T1 Tax Update

It’s enough to make some Canadians question “Should we stay or should we go?”  Knowledge Bureau President Evelyn Jacks is pleased to welcome cross border expert Sharon Conrod and Financial Post tax columnist Kim Moody to help decipher how new capital gains inclusion rates, the AMT on donations, family business succession rules and cross border taxation all will be changed for year end tax planning 2024.  Doug Buss will bring it all together from a Real Wealth Management perspective as the virtual event closes with retirement planning issues for 2024 and 2025.  

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