Academic Policies

Three Educational Divisions. Your education with Knowledge Bureau is organized into three training divisions. You may choose to select courses from any of them.


CE Savvy BizEd – Select short courses (about 1 hour), of special interest to business owner-managers or individuals who want to improve their business, tax and financial knowledge. By subscription or one course at a time.

  • VIP Designates. These courses qualify for Knowledge Bureau CE Credits.

CE Savvy PD – Designed for professionals who want to hone skills providing business, tax or wealth management services to their clients. Short courses, by subscription or one course at a time

  • VIP Designates. These courses qualify for Knowledge Bureau CE Credits.

CE Summits – Live virtual events designed for CE Credit purposes as well as technical skills development, drill down on issues of interest to tax, accounting and financial professionals. Also accredited by third parties. See

Prerequisites: A high school diploma or equivalency is required.


Certification and Designation. Knowledge Bureau awards certificates to graduates who have demonstrated verifiable workplace skills in their individual vocations. Students may also enter a designation program, either directly or indirectly, to learn a body of knowledge leading to expertise in an area of specialization.

Prerequisites. Knowledge Bureau provides continuing education courses leading to certified vocational skills and professional credentials along two pathways: the Scholar (Certification) Track and the Designation Track. Prerequisites are as follows:

Scholar Track (Individual Certificate Course Selections): Minimum requirement is high school diploma or equivalency. Recommended is one or more of the following qualifications:

  • least one year of either post-secondary education in the fields of accounting, economics or finance; or
  • experience/mentorship working in a professional tax or financial practice; or
  • equivalent international experience or mentorship.

Designation Track. Students may begin their pathway towards a designation on an indirect basis, that is, by taking one certificate course at a time under the Scholar Track. However, a direct entry at registration, will provide saving on tuition fees and students will avoid a Specialty Declaration Fee (see below), as students declare their specialty up front. For direct entry, see prerequisites under the Scholar Track.

View PDF Standards of Conduct

Knowledge Bureau designates have entered an academic pathway to acquire a deep and broad body of knowledge that is current to the issues that matter in the lives the multi-stakeholder environment they live and work in.

Holders of registered marks licensed by Knowledge Bureau also commit to holding themselves to a high standard of professional conduct and continuing education after graduation. It is a commitment to professionalism that our graduates in our network of specialists are proud to attest to.

The process for re-licensing the use of their designation marks is an annual process. The academic year for these purposes is July 1 to June 30.

View PDF Standards of Conduct

Students may take online courses within an academic path that leads to the earning of a Certificate of Achievement (one course at a time; up to 3 months per course); a Practitioner’s Diploma (three courses; up to 9 months total) or choose from several available designation programs (six courses; up to 18 months total).

Certification and Designation. Knowledge Bureau awards certificates to graduates who have demonstrated verifiable workplace skills in their individual vocations. Students may also enter a designation program, either directly or indirectly, to learn a body of knowledge leading to expertise in an area of specialization.

Designation Program Selections. Successful graduates demonstrate they have met knowledge proficiencies, ethical and professional standards by successfully passing skills-based examinations. Knowledge Bureau students are licensed to use the following marks:

RWM-Real Wealth Manager™ - Graduates of this program hold themselves out as the steward of a multi-generational plan attended by a team of professional advisors to meet the needs of a family stakeholder group. Direct entry only.

DMA-Distinguished Master Advisor™ - Recommended for students who are seeking to broadened their knowledge in all technical aspects of tax, accounting and wealth management areas, courses are chosen from a broad spectrum of curriculum. Direct or indirect entry. Requires 6 30-hour courses.

DFA-Personal Tax or Accounting Services Specialist™ - Graduates of these two areas of specializations hold themselves out in the marketplace as personal tax or accounting advisors with deep, specialized expertise in tax preparation (personal, proprietorships, trusts), bookkeeping and accounting services. Direct or indirect entry. Requires 6 30-hour courses.

MFA-Business or Retirement and Estate Services Specialist™ - Graduates of these two programs specialize in in tax, retirement, and estate services for owner-managers within a holistic wealth management framework. Direct or indirect entry. Requires 6 30-hour courses.

MFA-P-Philanthropic Services Specialist™ - Graduates of this program work in a collaborative team (charity, financial advisor, accountant, legal advisor and client) to development and monitor strategic philanthropic giving. Direct Entry Only.

FDFS-Fellow of Distinguished Financial Services™ - These professionals are recognized for their outstanding contribution to their field of specialization through the acquisition and stewardship of knowledge skills, ethical and regulatory compliance and mentorship of others. You may apply for fellowship after the achievement of the following:

  1. Designation with Knowledge Bureau, in one of the programs above.
  2. Educational mentorship path: volunteering to do each of the following within one academic year, July to June:
    1. Beta testing of one certificate course (15 hours)
    2. Writing of 10 articles in your area of specialization for Knowledge Bureau Report (6 hours)
    3. Webinar presentation for 5 online courses (5 hours)
    4. Total: 30 hours qualifies for Knowledge Bureau CE Credits

Teaching pathway: Presentations at 4 CE Summits (2-1 hour sessions). 30 CE Credits

Course Components and Personalized Student Support Included. All study materials, lesson plans, Knowledge Journal, software, applicable financial calculators, quizzes, instructor support, use of the extensive research library, Evergreen Explanatory Notes is included in the tax deductible tuition fees, as well as a complimentary subscription to Knowledge Bureau Report, to stay up-to-date with breaking tax and economic news.

Educational Support Services. Students may tap into personal email support from faculty members; a reasonable number of questions are included at no extra charge. In some cases, students require more support and may opt to pay for tutoring or attend the CE Summits, workshops or conferences offered by Knowledge Bureau for peer-to-peer networking and live/virtual instruction.

Practice Management Framework. Designates are trained in the Real Wealth Management™ framework, which teaches a strategy for multi-disciplinary collaboration with other professionals and a consistent process to enhance the Know Your Client process used in the financial services. This enables the development of a strategic approach to joint decision-making with clients in providing tax, retirement, estate, succession and other required financial services. The RWM™ processes focuses on four pillars of practice: the accumulation, growth, preservation and transition of sustainable family wealth, which is defined to mean, after taxes, inflation and fees.

Standards of Conduct. Holders of registered marks licensed by Knowledge Bureau are held to a high standard of professional conduct and continuing education requirements after graduation. To that end, it is necessary to relicense the use of their designation marks on an annual basis. The academic year for these purposes is July 1 to June 30. See Standards of Conduct.

Open architecture learning environment
Knowledge Bureau is pleased to offer students an “open architecture” learning environment. Students may work at their own pace within the maximum timelines described below. The student may also choose a pathway to designation that includes blended learning programming: a combination of online and live/virtual events to fulfill their requirements.

Study terms and course completion obligations

Early registration deadlines are provided to prompt students to enrol and finish courses in each of four seasonal sessions. A maximum of 3 months is allowed for completion of each individual course. Extensions are available after this period.

Register by: Study Time: Finish Time:
March 15 April 1 June 30
June 15 July 1 Sept 30
Sept 15 Oct 1 December 30
Dec 15 Jan 1 March 31

Access to Personalized Instruction
The onus is on the student to complete courses on time and to contact us for help with questions using their Help Button in the Virtual Campus. Please contact us immediately if there is any problem with our courseware or services, so that we may provide corrective action. The instructional assistance is provided, within reason, at no extra charge to the student. Before making an inquiry the student is responsible for reading any updates to the courseware on the Virtual Campus, in the free subscription to Knowledge Bureau Report and in the EverGreen Explanatory Notes Research Library. Instructors will decline providing answer keys to students, and if the instructor deems there have been an unreasonable number of requests for assistance or answers, tutoring sessions will be recommended.

Tutoring Sessions
If, at the discretion of the instructor, or the request of the student, the volume of student support questions appears excessive, tutoring sessions may be arranged at a charge of $195 per hour, with minimum 1⁄2 hour increments. Contact the Registrar to schedule the sessions and for payment.

Students of online certificate courses may request extensions at the end of each study period of three months. Extensions may be purchased at a cost of $395 for an additional 3 months, or $149.00 for an extension of 1 month.

Resumed Studies
Students who wish to resume their studies after an absence of more than 6 months must pay a resumption fee of $395 to be put back into their program and resume their studies.

Testing and Passing Mark
All online courses feature examinations that can be done in home or office. They are “open-book” style tests and a minimum 60% pass mark is required in every course for certification.

One rewrite attempt will be allowed within a month of unsuccessful testing. Rewrite fees are $295 per exam.

Standards of Conduct
Designates are granted the permission to use Knowledge Bureau’s Certification Marks behind their name, on their business cards and letterhead. This license for use must be renewed annually by the Standards of Conduct, specified in the above Standards of Conduct section.

Getting Started
Self-study students may begin their program at any time, all year long, and enrol risk free with our Money Back Guarantee: we offer a free trial for the first chapter in your first course which allows you to determine whether the program is for you. After this, you are considered to have enrolled in the program and there are no refunds.

Personal Consultation, Instructor, Orientation or Group Study Start
Knowledge Bureau self study courses allow you to develop your own course work plan. Your registration includes access to a Personal Educational Consultant, who will provide a personal orientation tour when you start your program, and introduce you to your online access to your instructor through your exclusive access to your online learning environment.

Your individual course orientation will be scheduled at your convenience, or you can join a national group study, in which all team members from one office start at the same time in the same course.

EZ-Pay Instalment Plans
Please call our registrar toll free at 1-866-953-4769 to arrange a monthly instalment plan or follow the online instructions.

NOTE: Instalment plans are based on a 3 month per course work plan. If your course work plan is accelerated, you may be required to make additional payments before the release of the next course in your program. Payment plans may be revoked if your payments fall in arrears and your instalment privilege fee will be withheld. In addition, you may be charged an additional $45 NSF fee.

Registration, Certification and Cancellation
Included in the registration fee for the CE Summits is the cost of CE accreditation and certification, at the workshop and reference resources.

CE accreditation and certification credit hours are determined by attendance. For specific CE accreditation requirements, please contact Knowledge Bureau at 1-866-953-4769. Workshop registration fees are non-refundable, except in the case of severe hardship, where a 30% cancellation fee will apply. Penalty fees may be applied for full credit to any other Knowledge Bureau program for a period of one year.

Payment: VISA or MasterCard are the preferred methods of payment. If paying by cheque, please post-date cheques accordingly and submit to:

Knowledge Bureau, 187 St. Mary’s Road, Winnipeg, MB, R2H 1J2

Registration, Accreditation and Cancellation
Included in the registration fee for the conference is attendance for 3 days of sessions, outlined in the official DAC agenda for one delegate, plus: cost of CE/CPD accreditation and certification, provided the evaluation/testing forms provided at the event are submitted. Also included is attendance at opening reception & group dinner, hot breakfasts, mimosa breaks. Delegates will have access to content/reference resources, which may include reference journals and access to online materials. Spouses who work in the business with advisors must register in full as a delegate but will receive preferred client rates for full program accreditation. Spouses who do not work in the business must register in the Spousal Program, which entitles the non-working spouse to attendance at all the sessions, as well as breakfasts, mimosa breaks and the evening group events. There will be no accreditation and certification in those cases and no splitting of the spousal fees for any one aspect of the DAC. Under no circumstances will non-working spouses be allowed access at any of the networking events without registration in the Spousal Program.

CE/CPD Accreditation and Certification
CE/CPD credit hours are determined by attendance at the events. It is required that evaluation summations are completed and signed for these purposes. Failure to submit may result in disqualification from certification from these accreditors: Knowledge Bureau, as required for continuation of MFA™ and DFA-Specialist™ licensing, most provincial insurance councils. Depending on the needs of the audience, Knowledge Bureau may also apply for pre-accreditation from certain professional organizations such as IIROC. One hour per hour of instruction is granted as a general rule.

Not included
The following is not covered in the DAC registration fee: the cost of flights, ground transportation, hotel rooms, entertainment other than as described in the official DAC agenda, tips, porters, parking, personal injury or loss/liability of any kind, including sickness or cancellation insurance, any loss due to uninsured sickness or accident or death, and any other optional activities which may have been planned for the group such as golfing, spas, tours or group evening or meal events, and any meals outside of the official DAC conference-specified agenda. Knowledge Bureau, its owners, speakers, employees, subcontractors or any member of the organizational team cannot take any responsibility for any personal injury, affliction, accident, or financial consequences due to attendance at the DAC event whatsoever and attendees are herewith notified thereof. Please protect yourself accordingly using appropriate insurance, and risk management measures.

Group Rates
Companies often send teams of people to the DAC. These teams qualify for our preferred rates. An additional group rate is achieved after the first 10 registrants are enrolled and paid. Best rates can be received for the group with this minimum enrolment by the deadline dates on the conference application forms. Spousal fees are extra.

Hotel Rates and Length of Stay
Consult your application room.

Special Diets
We try to accommodate special food requests, but those highly allergic to most foods normally served or those with very limited diets must make own food arrangements.

Refunds—Registration Fees
Conference registration and spousal program fees are non-refundable, except in the case of severe hardship, where a 30% non-refundable cancellation fee will apply based on the registration fee the attendee qualified for at that time of registration. Any cancellation fees can be applied for any educational program with Knowledge Bureau within 1 year of cancellation.

Refunds— Hotel
Hotel rooms refunds must be negotiated directly with the hotel.

Apply Withdrawal fees to other Knowledge Bureau Programming
Any penalty or cancellation fees may be applied for full credit to any other Knowledge Bureau program for a period of one year from date of cancellation.

Knowledge Bureau is pleased to provide its potential new students with a risk free enrolment policy. Depending on your program choices, you will have the opportunities to decide whether a Knowledge Bureau Education is right for you. Here is how it works:

Personal Selection Service. At any time, you can discuss your queries about the programs with an experienced educational consultant. Simply email registrar[at] We will call you back at a time best for you to help you make your selections.

Free Trials. We invite you to try selected programs before you register. This is important as, after you enrol, there are no refunds.

Switches to another Course or to your Colleague. This is possible at no charge within 2 weeks of registration.

Please read the following carefully:


New! One Hour CE Modules – CE Savvy PD™ and CE Savvy BizEd™: You are invited to select a series of continuing education modules for your continuing professional development. Try the free trials to get a feel for the content. After this, subscribe to a quarterly array of relevant, interesting and immediately implementable CE.

Note: There are no refunds for the subscription services.

CE Summits: Add a virtual instructor-led event to your online studies. We are sure you’ll love the topics and our instructors are really interesting. Note: There are no refunds to the events you have registered in. A credit for an equivalent amount may be applied to other educational programs at Knowledge Bureau.


Seven Day Trials

Students may participate in a risk-free trial of the first chapter of their online certificate course in their program, for seven days, to make sure they are in the program that meets their needs. We also invite you to discuss your needs through an appointment with our highly training Educational Consultants.

After this: here are the refund policies:

After seven days, or in the event the student has progressed beyond the first chapter, there are no refunds.

Withdrawal Fee. For eligible refund requests, a $50 withdrawal fee will be applied. Refunds are normally issued within 30 days of approval.

Switches and Transfers: The opportunity to switch or transfer out of the program to another program at no extra charge ends after two weeks from registration.

Hard Copy. Fees paid for any hard copy materials are non-refundable.

Study Terms. Knowledge Bureau offers online training 24/7 conveniently available to meet the student’s individual schedule. Students are deemed to have completed their term whether or not they start or finish their course in the allotted study term. Note:

  • Study terms are defined as 90 days for each certificate course of studies;
  • Study terms for designation programs will vary, depending on the designation program selected. There are no retroactive refunds for study terms that have lapsed and no refunds for designation program entry or declaration fees.

Students must agree to these academic policies before course entry.

Extension Requests. An extension request may be made if the student has not been able to complete the program of studies in the allotted time frame:

  • One month extension: $149 plus taxes
  • One study term (90 days) $395

Financial Hardship Requests. Students may request an instalment plan. A fee of $45 per course is applied. There are no refunds.

Medical Hardship Requests. To consider a medical hardship request, the request must be received as follows; there is no grace period for missed deadlines:

• within 30 days of the start of the current study term in the case of certificate courses and

• within 90 days of the start of any designation program.

Medical hardship is defined as severe hardship which markedly restricts the student’s ability to complete their study term. This includes: illness of the student, illness of an immediate family member or death of an immediate family member.

Required: Two letters scanned to the attention of the Registrar:

  1. Letter from a licensed medical practitioner addressed to the Registrar (registrar[at] outlining reasons for the medical hardship request. Medical practitioner is to provide the following information:
    1. Nature of the medical condition which causes the student to be markedly restricted so as not to be able to finish their course of studies.
    2. Expected duration of the condition.
  2. Letter from employer or government granting body that reimbursed tuition fees have been returned by the student.
  3. Return of tuition fee receipt issued by Knowledge Bureau. Student is required to adjust their tax return if tuition fee credit or training expense write-off was taken.

Remedies. Assuming the criteria above is met, at the discretion of the Registrar, one of three options are granted:

  1. Medical Hardship is expected to subside. Course completion deadlines will be extended at no charge to the next study term.
  2. Alternatively: Students may transfer their program to another person (within one month of notice to discontinue) with no additional transaction costs.
  3. Prorated Refunds. If options one and two are not suitable, a pro-rated refund may be issued, as follows.
    • Refunds will be pro-rated based on actual or deemed progress in the study term, whichever is greater.
    • Refunds will will normally be issued within 30 days of withdrawal approval. A withdrawal fee of $50 will be applied.

The decision of the registrar is final.

NSF Cheques or Declined Credit Card Fees

A $45 fee will be assessed on each NSF cheque. Declined credit card charges: please contact us with a valid credit card to avoid a any penalties.

Credit for Withheld Fees

A credit for withheld fees may be applied to other educational programs at Knowledge Bureau, at the discretion of the registrar, for a period of 3 months.

Welcome to Knowledge Bureau website which is operated by Knowledge Bureau, Inc. By visiting and using this web site you will be accepting these Terms of Use, which you should read carefully. Do not use this website if you do not agree with these terms, which may be changed by Knowledge Bureau, Inc. at any time. Visit this portion of the site often to refresh your knowledge of these terms of use.

Note that we cannot guarantee uninterrupted or error free access to services and disclaim any responsibility for guaranteed, uninterrupted or error free services. However, we are committed to the highest quality services and welcome your comments for required services, errors or omissions to be corrected.

Please contact us by email: with those comments. We reserve the right to discontinue or modify any portion or feature of this site or services at our discretion and without notice.

We also do not provide any advice on legal, financial, tax, insurance, compliance or any other professional or investment services, which require individual and customized advice from a qualified professional and therefore disclaim responsibility for any actions taken by any individuals as a result of the use of any of the intellectual properties published by Knowledge Bureau, Inc. including any and all components of this website.

©Knowledge Bureau, Inc. The contents of this work are copyright protected; all rights are reserved. No part of this work—print, audio or online— INCLUDING charts, data, logos, art, videos, design, architecture, articles, quotes—may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a data base and retrieval system, without prior written consent from Knowledge Bureau, Inc. Website users are granted only a limited license to access or download any information for personal use, provided the content is not modified and all proprietary notices and references are intact. (See Required Acknowledgements, Required Notification of Use and Licensors, below). Under no circumstances may any content or derivative thereof be used for any other use, including commercial use nor may it be merged, distributed, modified or incorporated in whole or part without permission from Knowledge Bureau, Inc.

For further information or to request permission for reproduction call us at 1-866-953-4769 or by email at admin@

Required Acknowledgements/Notification of Use: When you respect our copyrights, we can reinvest in new programming in the future for you. That’s a win-win. Copyright infringement also breaks the law. We protect our copyright vigilantly and will prosecute those who use it without permission. For more information on our privacy policies and disclaimers, see Policies at

Use by Students Other than for Study. Any users of the information published in an educational component or product by Knowledge Bureau must confirm use and date of use in advance. Articles in Knowledge Bureau Report, which is a component of our courses, may be emailed to clients of students but only with required permission, a link to our disclaimers and acknowledgement: © Knowledge Bureau, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Used with Permission. Call us at 1-866-953-4768 to reserve reproduction rights.

While studying with us, students may use the tools and resources supplied by Knowledge Bureau in their work with clients (please see Disclaimers).

Commercial Use: Knowledge Bureau charges a fee for commercial use of any of its copyrighted content including all information included in its courses, workshops, newsletters, research libraries, software, calculators, audio recordings, PowerPoint presentations, pictures, biographies, educational architecture and methodology, charts, logos, online environments, articles, blogs, videos, web or publishing architecture, research data, etc. Please contact admin@ for such permission and quote for fee payment.

Use by Media, Radio or Television: Any direct information quoted from any Knowledge Bureau resource must be accompanied by the following

©Knowledge Bureau, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Used with Permission

Licensors: In using the intellectual property of Knowledge Bureau, THE LICENSOR (and any of its Enrolled Participants) AGREES: The components of this course are not to be shared with another user in the absence of signed arrangements made for multiple user licensing. Under no circumstances may the contents of any course of studies— printed live, virtual, or self-study or any other format—be reproduced or used by multiple users for any purpose without prior written consent. In participating in this program, you agree that the copyright in all intellectual properties owned by the Knowledge Bureau will be respected and any reproduction will be subject to permissions set out by the company.

Educational Institutions must contact Knowledge Bureau for reproduction permission.

When you voluntarily provide your email address to us, you will be providing us with your consent to keep this information in our mailing list database, and to periodically follow up with you about your needs, unless you tell us otherwise.

We will not sell or rent your information to any third parties.

We will not provide any information to advertisers.

You are in control of changing your information on file with us so that it is up to date.

We use safe and secure technology such as SSL to ensure your information is safe on our site.

We will not distribute unsolicited, commercial email to you, without your permission. Please report spam (unsolicited commercial mail) to us.

Our web site only uses cookies to assist you during your visit and to protect your privacy while logged on to the site.

We do use software programs to monitor traffic and visits for the sole purpose of improving your experience with us.

Knowledge Bureau does not keep any financial related information such as credit cards or any other financial information on file.

Please direct your questions about this privacy policy to Knowledge Bureau.

At Knowledge Bureau, our courses are designed to be connected to and to communicate information and data via a secure network interface. It is the student’s sole responsibility to provide and continuously ensure a secure connection between the product and Knowledge Bureau’s network or any other network (as the case may be). The student is responsible for establishing and maintaining any appropriate measures to protect their own equipment against any kind of security breaches, unauthorized access, interference, intrusion, leakage and/or theft of data or information.

Knowledge Bureau, its owners, employees, subcontractors, strategic partners, suppliers and affiliates are not liable for damages and/or losses related to such security breaches, any unauthorized access, interference, intrusion, leakage and/or theft of data or information.

Users of the intellectual properties published by Knowledge Bureau (including books, website, news services, educational works and any other aspects of the products and services of Knowledge Bureau, Inc.) are responsible for their own actions and outcomes and are advised to seek legal counsel or other professional advice before acting on any information or recommendations received.

The owners, publishers, authors, instructors, editors, coaches and contributors therefore expressly disclaim all and any liability to any person in respect of anything and any consequence as a result of the use of the works which may be taken through Knowledge Bureau, Inc., including any news releases or commentary, courseware, workshops, conferences, webcasts, online materials, calculators, libraries or other information resource herein referred. Knowledge Bureau Inc. makes no representations or warranties with respect to third party software used in its programs and accepts no responsibility with respect to its use by the student. Only those warranties available from software developers are applicable.

Users of the intellectual properties of Knowledge Bureau including its websites, courses or other services of Knowledge Bureau, Inc. are also herewith notified that the company, its principals, shareholders, employees, writers, instructors or subcontractors are not involved in any aspect of any business conducted by any persons or companies for which it supplies or offers courseware, information or intellectual property management services, including resellers of its courseware, and does not endorse any such person or companies or its products or services. Knowledge Bureau, Inc. therefore expressly disclaims any responsibility for any consequence any person or entity has in relation to dealings with any such person or company.

The examples used in the intellectual property published by The Knowledge Bureau are fictitious unless otherwise stated and any resemblance to real life people, facts or circumstances is purely coincidental.

Much care has been taken to trace ownership of copyrighted material contained in this material; however, the publisher will welcome any information that enables it to rectify any reference or credit for subsequent editions and or any errors or omissions that require correction. Please contact Content Development at 1-866-953-4769.

Our Sponsors and Third Party Partners

We are proud of our relationships with sponsors, partners and affiliates, however, we do not specifically endorse any product and are not responsible for the claims or representations made by sponsors, advertisers or third party partners.

Note Knowledge Bureau does not review the products or services of any company mentioned on its site and warns its users to undertake their own due diligence before making any decision to buy products or services. Knowledge Bureau will not take any responsibility or pay for any damages of any kind resulting from use of any products mentioned on our website or as a result of any misuse of any personal information or data submitted by you to any third party.

Prohibited Conduct by Users of This Site
Personal attacks on or abuse of any company, people or administrators of a forum or other group communication.

Postings of any obscene, offensive or unlawful or fraudulent content (including links) or content to be used for unlawful or fraudulent purposes or anything that is defamatory or infringes on any person’s rights or posting of any personal information of any person including yourself.

Posting of any materials containing viruses, malicious or destructive code, or phishing, spamming, advertising, etc.

In managing, developing and distributing intellectual property, the philosophy of The Knowledge Bureau is that it interprets the news as it relates to wealth and health management issues and provides perspective under a framework called Real Wealth Management. It does not provide advice. It is also not a platform for any other company and does not associate itself with individuals who wish to use Knowledge Bureau, Inc. as a platform to sell other products or services from which they benefit financially, unless they are prepared to make full disclosure. The Knowledge Bureau has the following expectations of its speakers, instructors, associates, authors, and lecturers:

Advice. They will not provide advice unless they are appropriately registered and licensed, and appropriately qualified to do so. We expect that our associates will and have made themselves aware what type of advice is under jurisdiction of regulators.

Transparency. We expect our associates to make full disclosures of any compensatory relationship (monetary or otherwise) with the company that hires them or pays them consulting or other fees or commissions. They are required to state how they will benefit if the audience is being invited to consider and/or buy a product from a company with which the speaker has a compensatory relationship, including receipt of consulting fees, commissions or trailer or any beneficial ownership.

Based on these written policies and our stated and expected conduct of our speakers and instructors, neither Knowledge Bureau nor any of our employees can take responsibility for the results of any actions taken by any persons that may have adverse financial consequences.

THE PUBLISHER (Knowledge Bureau) allows single user access to the components of its self study programs of studies with a valid paid registration in the program for the time frames allowed within the program of studies—which are limited to a maximum of six months per course, (subject to change at Knowledge Bureau’s discretion) and this includes use of the online portion of the program, and all accompanying Knowledge Net Tools.

Multiple user fees are negotiable for those who wish to use this program for any or all associates of one branch office. In that case, the fee for each participant is negotiated on a case-by-case basis, based on volume. Please call us to arrange this multiple user license for your firm. Use of Knowledge Bureau publications (Knowledge Bureau Report) is free for viewing from email services or Knowledge Bureau home page. However a strict content reproduction and privacy policy is in effect.

Continuous Improvement Philosophy
At Knowledge Bureau, we always try to enhance our relationship with all our students by investing in a Continuous Improvement and “EverGreening” philosophy to content development and student services. We invite you to share in this philosophy by helping us to continuously improve and update.

Continuous Improvement: When we become aware of errors, omissions or other improvements required we fix those errors and omissions either by personal contact, in the course materials, through use of email and/or our Knowledge Bureau Report, depending upon the urgency and breadth of the matter. We also include clarifications and improvements to Guidance provided for students as required.

EverGreening: As change happens continuously in the tax and financial services Knowledge Bureau is committed to keeping its students up-to-date with a world class research library: EverGreen Explanatory Notes, which is updated weekly, Knowledge Bureau Report which is a complimentary e-newsletter service provided directly to students, through course updates, revisions and new course development. Please see our disclaimer policies in the courseware and on our website. They set out limitations regarding our content and authorship.

Dissatisfaction during course of study period
We work with the student to fix the problem to the best of our ability and resources, so the student can complete their studies successfully. The student has paid for access to student support as part of the tuition fees for a defined period. In cases where the student has not contacted us for help along the way or has not started the program within the study time allotted time for it, it is considered that the student has used the materials for personal use and there is no further action. As such, there are no refunds.

Dissatisfied on completion of programs
Our mandate is to help students successfully complete their programs. We identify the issues, determine whether courses/materials need adjustments, if there is a legitimate problem with the product or service, make corrections, and teach to the issues. There are no refunds for convenience or failure to start.

Expressing our gratitude
We sincerely appreciate your help in our ongoing pursuit of excellence. Where a student has helped us identify areas of improvement or required change we may consider giving thanks with a financial credit toward the cost of a future course. The publisher’s decision on this is final and any credits/awards issued may not exceed tuition fees paid.

Why Study with Knowledge Bureau?
Here’s What Our Students Say:

Our training focuses on developing skill sets that are directly applicable to day to day work. Content is current and practical work is case-study based, with true-to-life scenarios, challenging even for seasoned staff.

MFA™—Retirement and Succession Services Specialist

I learned there is a big difference between understanding the theory behind how tax planning works, and the actual implementation of that information into a tax return. I had years of experience taking other courses and training, and I understood the theory and how things worked. However, implementing it ... I had no idea.

—Ian Wood, MFA™, RWM™

MFA™—Business Services Specialist

This designation provided additional value in my practice - my objective was to learn more and better serve my clients. This course is a step up from regular managerial concepts and added more to the accounting knowledge I already had.

—Iqbal Sidhu, DFA–Business Services Specialist™

DFA—Bookkeeping Services Specialist™

Having graduated from this designation program with honors, I have enriched my knowledge, improved professional business skills that expands my future career path. Overall, it is an excellent experience to explore throughout the program.

—Connie H.M. Zhu, DFA–Bookkeeping Services Specialist™

DFA—Tax Services Specialist™

I am working on my second degree with the Knowledge Bureau, and I strongly recommend their courses for anyone in the financial services field. They have without a doubt, the most practical and effective approach to helping advisors serve their clients. I was able to use the things I learned immediately in my practice and I am constantly learning valuable tools to help my clients reach their retirement goals.

—Chris Valentine, DFA–Tax Services Specialist™, MFA™–Retirement and Succession Services Specialist

Academic Policies

Three Educational Divisions. Your education with Knowledge Bureau is organized into three training divisions. You may choose to select courses from any of them.


CE Savvy BizEd – Select short courses (about 1 hour), of special interest to business owner-managers or individuals who want to improve their business, tax and financial knowledge. By subscription or one course at a time.

  • VIP Designates. These courses qualify for Knowledge Bureau CE Credits.

CE Savvy PD – Designed for professionals who want to hone skills providing business, tax or wealth management services to their clients. Short courses, by subscription or one course at a time

  • VIP Designates. These courses qualify for Knowledge Bureau CE Credits.

CE Summits – Live virtual events designed for CE Credit purposes as well as technical skills development, drill down on issues of interest to tax, accounting and financial professionals. Also accredited by third parties. See

Prerequisites: A high school diploma or equivalency is required.


Certification and Designation. Knowledge Bureau awards certificates to graduates who have demonstrated verifiable workplace skills in their individual vocations. Students may also enter a designation program, either directly or indirectly, to learn a body of knowledge leading to expertise in an area of specialization.

Prerequisites. Knowledge Bureau provides continuing education courses leading to certified vocational skills and professional credentials along two pathways: the Scholar (Certification) Track and the Designation Track. Prerequisites are as follows:

Scholar Track (Individual Certificate Course Selections): Minimum requirement is high school diploma or equivalency. Recommended is one or more of the following qualifications:

  • least one year of either post-secondary education in the fields of accounting, economics or finance; or
  • experience/mentorship working in a professional tax or financial practice; or
  • equivalent international experience or mentorship.

Designation Track. Students may begin their pathway towards a designation on an indirect basis, that is, by taking one certificate course at a time under the Scholar Track. However, a direct entry at registration, will provide saving on tuition fees and students will avoid a Specialty Declaration Fee (see below), as students declare their specialty up front. For direct entry, see prerequisites under the Scholar Track.

View PDF Standards of Conduct

Knowledge Bureau designates have entered an academic pathway to acquire a deep and broad body of knowledge that is current to the issues that matter in the lives the multi-stakeholder environment they live and work in.

Holders of registered marks licensed by Knowledge Bureau also commit to holding themselves to a high standard of professional conduct and continuing education after graduation. It is a commitment to professionalism that our graduates in our network of specialists are proud to attest to.

The process for re-licensing the use of their designation marks is an annual process. The academic year for these purposes is July 1 to June 30.

View PDF Standards of Conduct

Students may take online courses within an academic path that leads to the earning of a Certificate of Achievement (one course at a time; up to 3 months per course); a Practitioner’s Diploma (three courses; up to 9 months total) or choose from several available designation programs (six courses; up to 18 months total).

Certification and Designation. Knowledge Bureau awards certificates to graduates who have demonstrated verifiable workplace skills in their individual vocations. Students may also enter a designation program, either directly or indirectly, to learn a body of knowledge leading to expertise in an area of specialization.

Designation Program Selections. Successful graduates demonstrate they have met knowledge proficiencies, ethical and professional standards by successfully passing skills-based examinations. Knowledge Bureau students are licensed to use the following marks:

RWM-Real Wealth Manager™ - Graduates of this program hold themselves out as the steward of a multi-generational plan attended by a team of professional advisors to meet the needs of a family stakeholder group. Direct entry only.

DMA-Distinguished Master Advisor™ - Recommended for students who are seeking to broadened their knowledge in all technical aspects of tax, accounting and wealth management areas, courses are chosen from a broad spectrum of curriculum. Direct or indirect entry. Requires 6 30-hour courses.

DFA-Personal Tax or Accounting Services Specialist™ - Graduates of these two areas of specializations hold themselves out in the marketplace as personal tax or accounting advisors with deep, specialized expertise in tax preparation (personal, proprietorships, trusts), bookkeeping and accounting services. Direct or indirect entry. Requires 6 30-hour courses.

MFA-Business or Retirement and Estate Services Specialist™ - Graduates of these two programs specialize in in tax, retirement, and estate services for owner-managers within a holistic wealth management framework. Direct or indirect entry. Requires 6 30-hour courses.

MFA-P-Philanthropic Services Specialist™ - Graduates of this program work in a collaborative team (charity, financial advisor, accountant, legal advisor and client) to development and monitor strategic philanthropic giving. Direct Entry Only.

FDFS-Fellow of Distinguished Financial Services™ - These professionals are recognized for their outstanding contribution to their field of specialization through the acquisition and stewardship of knowledge skills, ethical and regulatory compliance and mentorship of others. You may apply for fellowship after the achievement of the following:

  1. Designation with Knowledge Bureau, in one of the programs above.
  2. Educational mentorship path: volunteering to do each of the following within one academic year, July to June:
    1. Beta testing of one certificate course (15 hours)
    2. Writing of 10 articles in your area of specialization for Knowledge Bureau Report (6 hours)
    3. Webinar presentation for 5 online courses (5 hours)
    4. Total: 30 hours qualifies for Knowledge Bureau CE Credits

Teaching pathway: Presentations at 4 CE Summits (2-1 hour sessions). 30 CE Credits

Course Components and Personalized Student Support Included. All study materials, lesson plans, Knowledge Journal, software, applicable financial calculators, quizzes, instructor support, use of the extensive research library, Evergreen Explanatory Notes is included in the tax deductible tuition fees, as well as a complimentary subscription to Knowledge Bureau Report, to stay up-to-date with breaking tax and economic news.

Educational Support Services. Students may tap into personal email support from faculty members; a reasonable number of questions are included at no extra charge. In some cases, students require more support and may opt to pay for tutoring or attend the CE Summits, workshops or conferences offered by Knowledge Bureau for peer-to-peer networking and live/virtual instruction.

Practice Management Framework. Designates are trained in the Real Wealth Management™ framework, which teaches a strategy for multi-disciplinary collaboration with other professionals and a consistent process to enhance the Know Your Client process used in the financial services. This enables the development of a strategic approach to joint decision-making with clients in providing tax, retirement, estate, succession and other required financial services. The RWM™ processes focuses on four pillars of practice: the accumulation, growth, preservation and transition of sustainable family wealth, which is defined to mean, after taxes, inflation and fees.

Standards of Conduct. Holders of registered marks licensed by Knowledge Bureau are held to a high standard of professional conduct and continuing education requirements after graduation. To that end, it is necessary to relicense the use of their designation marks on an annual basis. The academic year for these purposes is July 1 to June 30. See Standards of Conduct.

Open architecture learning environment
Knowledge Bureau is pleased to offer students an “open architecture” learning environment. Students may work at their own pace within the maximum timelines described below. The student may also choose a pathway to designation that includes blended learning programming: a combination of online and live/virtual events to fulfill their requirements.

Study terms and course completion obligations

Early registration deadlines are provided to prompt students to enrol and finish courses in each of four seasonal sessions. A maximum of 3 months is allowed for completion of each individual course. Extensions are available after this period.

Register by: Study Time: Finish Time:
March 15 April 1 June 30
June 15 July 1 Sept 30
Sept 15 Oct 1 December 30
Dec 15 Jan 1 March 31

Access to Personalized Instruction
The onus is on the student to complete courses on time and to contact us for help with questions using their Help Button in the Virtual Campus. Please contact us immediately if there is any problem with our courseware or services, so that we may provide corrective action. The instructional assistance is provided, within reason, at no extra charge to the student. Before making an inquiry the student is responsible for reading any updates to the courseware on the Virtual Campus, in the free subscription to Knowledge Bureau Report and in the EverGreen Explanatory Notes Research Library. Instructors will decline providing answer keys to students, and if the instructor deems there have been an unreasonable number of requests for assistance or answers, tutoring sessions will be recommended.

Tutoring Sessions
If, at the discretion of the instructor, or the request of the student, the volume of student support questions appears excessive, tutoring sessions may be arranged at a charge of $195 per hour, with minimum 1⁄2 hour increments. Contact the Registrar to schedule the sessions and for payment.

Students of online certificate courses may request extensions at the end of each study period of three months. Extensions may be purchased at a cost of $395 for an additional 3 months, or $149.00 for an extension of 1 month.

Resumed Studies
Students who wish to resume their studies after an absence of more than 6 months must pay a resumption fee of $395 to be put back into their program and resume their studies.

Testing and Passing Mark
All online courses feature examinations that can be done in home or office. They are “open-book” style tests and a minimum 60% pass mark is required in every course for certification.

One rewrite attempt will be allowed within a month of unsuccessful testing. Rewrite fees are $295 per exam.

Standards of Conduct
Designates are granted the permission to use Knowledge Bureau’s Certification Marks behind their name, on their business cards and letterhead. This license for use must be renewed annually by the Standards of Conduct, specified in the above Standards of Conduct section.

Getting Started
Self-study students may begin their program at any time, all year long, and enrol risk free with our Money Back Guarantee: we offer a free trial for the first chapter in your first course which allows you to determine whether the program is for you. After this, you are considered to have enrolled in the program and there are no refunds.

Personal Consultation, Instructor, Orientation or Group Study Start
Knowledge Bureau self study courses allow you to develop your own course work plan. Your registration includes access to a Personal Educational Consultant, who will provide a personal orientation tour when you start your program, and introduce you to your online access to your instructor through your exclusive access to your online learning environment.

Your individual course orientation will be scheduled at your convenience, or you can join a national group study, in which all team members from one office start at the same time in the same course.

EZ-Pay Instalment Plans
Please call our registrar toll free at 1-866-953-4769 to arrange a monthly instalment plan or follow the online instructions.

NOTE: Instalment plans are based on a 3 month per course work plan. If your course work plan is accelerated, you may be required to make additional payments before the release of the next course in your program. Payment plans may be revoked if your payments fall in arrears and your instalment privilege fee will be withheld. In addition, you may be charged an additional $45 NSF fee.

Registration, Certification and Cancellation
Included in the registration fee for the CE Summits is the cost of CE accreditation and certification, at the workshop and reference resources.

CE accreditation and certification credit hours are determined by attendance. For specific CE accreditation requirements, please contact Knowledge Bureau at 1-866-953-4769. Workshop registration fees are non-refundable, except in the case of severe hardship, where a 30% cancellation fee will apply. Penalty fees may be applied for full credit to any other Knowledge Bureau program for a period of one year.

Payment: VISA or MasterCard are the preferred methods of payment. If paying by cheque, please post-date cheques accordingly and submit to:

Knowledge Bureau, 187 St. Mary’s Road, Winnipeg, MB, R2H 1J2

Registration, Accreditation and Cancellation
Included in the registration fee for the conference is attendance for 3 days of sessions, outlined in the official DAC agenda for one delegate, plus: cost of CE/CPD accreditation and certification, provided the evaluation/testing forms provided at the event are submitted. Also included is attendance at opening reception & group dinner, hot breakfasts, mimosa breaks. Delegates will have access to content/reference resources, which may include reference journals and access to online materials. Spouses who work in the business with advisors must register in full as a delegate but will receive preferred client rates for full program accreditation. Spouses who do not work in the business must register in the Spousal Program, which entitles the non-working spouse to attendance at all the sessions, as well as breakfasts, mimosa breaks and the evening group events. There will be no accreditation and certification in those cases and no splitting of the spousal fees for any one aspect of the DAC. Under no circumstances will non-working spouses be allowed access at any of the networking events without registration in the Spousal Program.

CE/CPD Accreditation and Certification
CE/CPD credit hours are determined by attendance at the events. It is required that evaluation summations are completed and signed for these purposes. Failure to submit may result in disqualification from certification from these accreditors: Knowledge Bureau, as required for continuation of MFA™ and DFA-Specialist™ licensing, most provincial insurance councils. Depending on the needs of the audience, Knowledge Bureau may also apply for pre-accreditation from certain professional organizations such as IIROC. One hour per hour of instruction is granted as a general rule.

Not included
The following is not covered in the DAC registration fee: the cost of flights, ground transportation, hotel rooms, entertainment other than as described in the official DAC agenda, tips, porters, parking, personal injury or loss/liability of any kind, including sickness or cancellation insurance, any loss due to uninsured sickness or accident or death, and any other optional activities which may have been planned for the group such as golfing, spas, tours or group evening or meal events, and any meals outside of the official DAC conference-specified agenda. Knowledge Bureau, its owners, speakers, employees, subcontractors or any member of the organizational team cannot take any responsibility for any personal injury, affliction, accident, or financial consequences due to attendance at the DAC event whatsoever and attendees are herewith notified thereof. Please protect yourself accordingly using appropriate insurance, and risk management measures.

Group Rates
Companies often send teams of people to the DAC. These teams qualify for our preferred rates. An additional group rate is achieved after the first 10 registrants are enrolled and paid. Best rates can be received for the group with this minimum enrolment by the deadline dates on the conference application forms. Spousal fees are extra.

Hotel Rates and Length of Stay
Consult your application room.

Special Diets
We try to accommodate special food requests, but those highly allergic to most foods normally served or those with very limited diets must make own food arrangements.

Refunds—Registration Fees
Conference registration and spousal program fees are non-refundable, except in the case of severe hardship, where a 30% non-refundable cancellation fee will apply based on the registration fee the attendee qualified for at that time of registration. Any cancellation fees can be applied for any educational program with Knowledge Bureau within 1 year of cancellation.

Refunds— Hotel
Hotel rooms refunds must be negotiated directly with the hotel.

Apply Withdrawal fees to other Knowledge Bureau Programming
Any penalty or cancellation fees may be applied for full credit to any other Knowledge Bureau program for a period of one year from date of cancellation.

Knowledge Bureau is pleased to provide its potential new students with a risk free enrolment policy. Depending on your program choices, you will have the opportunities to decide whether a Knowledge Bureau Education is right for you. Here is how it works:

Personal Selection Service. At any time, you can discuss your queries about the programs with an experienced educational consultant. Simply email registrar[at] We will call you back at a time best for you to help you make your selections.

Free Trials. We invite you to try selected programs before you register. This is important as, after you enrol, there are no refunds.

Switches to another Course or to your Colleague. This is possible at no charge within 2 weeks of registration.

Please read the following carefully:


New! One Hour CE Modules – CE Savvy PD™ and CE Savvy BizEd™: You are invited to select a series of continuing education modules for your continuing professional development. Try the free trials to get a feel for the content. After this, subscribe to a quarterly array of relevant, interesting and immediately implementable CE.

Note: There are no refunds for the subscription services.

CE Summits: Add a virtual instructor-led event to your online studies. We are sure you’ll love the topics and our instructors are really interesting. Note: There are no refunds to the events you have registered in. A credit for an equivalent amount may be applied to other educational programs at Knowledge Bureau.


Seven Day Trials

Students may participate in a risk-free trial of the first chapter of their online certificate course in their program, for seven days, to make sure they are in the program that meets their needs. We also invite you to discuss your needs through an appointment with our highly training Educational Consultants.

After this: here are the refund policies:

After seven days, or in the event the student has progressed beyond the first chapter, there are no refunds.

Withdrawal Fee. For eligible refund requests, a $50 withdrawal fee will be applied. Refunds are normally issued within 30 days of approval.

Switches and Transfers: The opportunity to switch or transfer out of the program to another program at no extra charge ends after two weeks from registration.

Hard Copy. Fees paid for any hard copy materials are non-refundable.

Study Terms. Knowledge Bureau offers online training 24/7 conveniently available to meet the student’s individual schedule. Students are deemed to have completed their term whether or not they start or finish their course in the allotted study term. Note:

  • Study terms are defined as 90 days for each certificate course of studies;
  • Study terms for designation programs will vary, depending on the designation program selected. There are no retroactive refunds for study terms that have lapsed and no refunds for designation program entry or declaration fees.

Students must agree to these academic policies before course entry.

Extension Requests. An extension request may be made if the student has not been able to complete the program of studies in the allotted time frame:

  • One month extension: $149 plus taxes
  • One study term (90 days) $395

Financial Hardship Requests. Students may request an instalment plan. A fee of $45 per course is applied. There are no refunds.

Medical Hardship Requests. To consider a medical hardship request, the request must be received as follows; there is no grace period for missed deadlines:

• within 30 days of the start of the current study term in the case of certificate courses and

• within 90 days of the start of any designation program.

Medical hardship is defined as severe hardship which markedly restricts the student’s ability to complete their study term. This includes: illness of the student, illness of an immediate family member or death of an immediate family member.

Required: Two letters scanned to the attention of the Registrar:

  1. Letter from a licensed medical practitioner addressed to the Registrar (registrar[at] outlining reasons for the medical hardship request. Medical practitioner is to provide the following information:
    1. Nature of the medical condition which causes the student to be markedly restricted so as not to be able to finish their course of studies.
    2. Expected duration of the condition.
  2. Letter from employer or government granting body that reimbursed tuition fees have been returned by the student.
  3. Return of tuition fee receipt issued by Knowledge Bureau. Student is required to adjust their tax return if tuition fee credit or training expense write-off was taken.

Remedies. Assuming the criteria above is met, at the discretion of the Registrar, one of three options are granted:

  1. Medical Hardship is expected to subside. Course completion deadlines will be extended at no charge to the next study term.
  2. Alternatively: Students may transfer their program to another person (within one month of notice to discontinue) with no additional transaction costs.
  3. Prorated Refunds. If options one and two are not suitable, a pro-rated refund may be issued, as follows.
    • Refunds will be pro-rated based on actual or deemed progress in the study term, whichever is greater.
    • Refunds will will normally be issued within 30 days of withdrawal approval. A withdrawal fee of $50 will be applied.

The decision of the registrar is final.

NSF Cheques or Declined Credit Card Fees

A $45 fee will be assessed on each NSF cheque. Declined credit card charges: please contact us with a valid credit card to avoid a any penalties.

Credit for Withheld Fees

A credit for withheld fees may be applied to other educational programs at Knowledge Bureau, at the discretion of the registrar, for a period of 3 months.

Welcome to Knowledge Bureau website which is operated by Knowledge Bureau, Inc. By visiting and using this web site you will be accepting these Terms of Use, which you should read carefully. Do not use this website if you do not agree with these terms, which may be changed by Knowledge Bureau, Inc. at any time. Visit this portion of the site often to refresh your knowledge of these terms of use.

Note that we cannot guarantee uninterrupted or error free access to services and disclaim any responsibility for guaranteed, uninterrupted or error free services. However, we are committed to the highest quality services and welcome your comments for required services, errors or omissions to be corrected.

Please contact us by email: with those comments. We reserve the right to discontinue or modify any portion or feature of this site or services at our discretion and without notice.

We also do not provide any advice on legal, financial, tax, insurance, compliance or any other professional or investment services, which require individual and customized advice from a qualified professional and therefore disclaim responsibility for any actions taken by any individuals as a result of the use of any of the intellectual properties published by Knowledge Bureau, Inc. including any and all components of this website.

©Knowledge Bureau, Inc. The contents of this work are copyright protected; all rights are reserved. No part of this work—print, audio or online— INCLUDING charts, data, logos, art, videos, design, architecture, articles, quotes—may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a data base and retrieval system, without prior written consent from Knowledge Bureau, Inc. Website users are granted only a limited license to access or download any information for personal use, provided the content is not modified and all proprietary notices and references are intact. (See Required Acknowledgements, Required Notification of Use and Licensors, below). Under no circumstances may any content or derivative thereof be used for any other use, including commercial use nor may it be merged, distributed, modified or incorporated in whole or part without permission from Knowledge Bureau, Inc.

For further information or to request permission for reproduction call us at 1-866-953-4769 or by email at admin@

Required Acknowledgements/Notification of Use: When you respect our copyrights, we can reinvest in new programming in the future for you. That’s a win-win. Copyright infringement also breaks the law. We protect our copyright vigilantly and will prosecute those who use it without permission. For more information on our privacy policies and disclaimers, see Policies at

Use by Students Other than for Study. Any users of the information published in an educational component or product by Knowledge Bureau must confirm use and date of use in advance. Articles in Knowledge Bureau Report, which is a component of our courses, may be emailed to clients of students but only with required permission, a link to our disclaimers and acknowledgement: © Knowledge Bureau, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Used with Permission. Call us at 1-866-953-4768 to reserve reproduction rights.

While studying with us, students may use the tools and resources supplied by Knowledge Bureau in their work with clients (please see Disclaimers).

Commercial Use: Knowledge Bureau charges a fee for commercial use of any of its copyrighted content including all information included in its courses, workshops, newsletters, research libraries, software, calculators, audio recordings, PowerPoint presentations, pictures, biographies, educational architecture and methodology, charts, logos, online environments, articles, blogs, videos, web or publishing architecture, research data, etc. Please contact admin@ for such permission and quote for fee payment.

Use by Media, Radio or Television: Any direct information quoted from any Knowledge Bureau resource must be accompanied by the following

©Knowledge Bureau, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Used with Permission

Licensors: In using the intellectual property of Knowledge Bureau, THE LICENSOR (and any of its Enrolled Participants) AGREES: The components of this course are not to be shared with another user in the absence of signed arrangements made for multiple user licensing. Under no circumstances may the contents of any course of studies— printed live, virtual, or self-study or any other format—be reproduced or used by multiple users for any purpose without prior written consent. In participating in this program, you agree that the copyright in all intellectual properties owned by the Knowledge Bureau will be respected and any reproduction will be subject to permissions set out by the company.

Educational Institutions must contact Knowledge Bureau for reproduction permission.

When you voluntarily provide your email address to us, you will be providing us with your consent to keep this information in our mailing list database, and to periodically follow up with you about your needs, unless you tell us otherwise.

We will not sell or rent your information to any third parties.

We will not provide any information to advertisers.

You are in control of changing your information on file with us so that it is up to date.

We use safe and secure technology such as SSL to ensure your information is safe on our site.

We will not distribute unsolicited, commercial email to you, without your permission. Please report spam (unsolicited commercial mail) to us.

Our web site only uses cookies to assist you during your visit and to protect your privacy while logged on to the site.

We do use software programs to monitor traffic and visits for the sole purpose of improving your experience with us.

Knowledge Bureau does not keep any financial related information such as credit cards or any other financial information on file.

Please direct your questions about this privacy policy to Knowledge Bureau.

At Knowledge Bureau, our courses are designed to be connected to and to communicate information and data via a secure network interface. It is the student’s sole responsibility to provide and continuously ensure a secure connection between the product and Knowledge Bureau’s network or any other network (as the case may be). The student is responsible for establishing and maintaining any appropriate measures to protect their own equipment against any kind of security breaches, unauthorized access, interference, intrusion, leakage and/or theft of data or information.

Knowledge Bureau, its owners, employees, subcontractors, strategic partners, suppliers and affiliates are not liable for damages and/or losses related to such security breaches, any unauthorized access, interference, intrusion, leakage and/or theft of data or information.

Users of the intellectual properties published by Knowledge Bureau (including books, website, news services, educational works and any other aspects of the products and services of Knowledge Bureau, Inc.) are responsible for their own actions and outcomes and are advised to seek legal counsel or other professional advice before acting on any information or recommendations received.

The owners, publishers, authors, instructors, editors, coaches and contributors therefore expressly disclaim all and any liability to any person in respect of anything and any consequence as a result of the use of the works which may be taken through Knowledge Bureau, Inc., including any news releases or commentary, courseware, workshops, conferences, webcasts, online materials, calculators, libraries or other information resource herein referred. Knowledge Bureau Inc. makes no representations or warranties with respect to third party software used in its programs and accepts no responsibility with respect to its use by the student. Only those warranties available from software developers are applicable.

Users of the intellectual properties of Knowledge Bureau including its websites, courses or other services of Knowledge Bureau, Inc. are also herewith notified that the company, its principals, shareholders, employees, writers, instructors or subcontractors are not involved in any aspect of any business conducted by any persons or companies for which it supplies or offers courseware, information or intellectual property management services, including resellers of its courseware, and does not endorse any such person or companies or its products or services. Knowledge Bureau, Inc. therefore expressly disclaims any responsibility for any consequence any person or entity has in relation to dealings with any such person or company.

The examples used in the intellectual property published by The Knowledge Bureau are fictitious unless otherwise stated and any resemblance to real life people, facts or circumstances is purely coincidental.

Much care has been taken to trace ownership of copyrighted material contained in this material; however, the publisher will welcome any information that enables it to rectify any reference or credit for subsequent editions and or any errors or omissions that require correction. Please contact Content Development at 1-866-953-4769.

Our Sponsors and Third Party Partners

We are proud of our relationships with sponsors, partners and affiliates, however, we do not specifically endorse any product and are not responsible for the claims or representations made by sponsors, advertisers or third party partners.

Note Knowledge Bureau does not review the products or services of any company mentioned on its site and warns its users to undertake their own due diligence before making any decision to buy products or services. Knowledge Bureau will not take any responsibility or pay for any damages of any kind resulting from use of any products mentioned on our website or as a result of any misuse of any personal information or data submitted by you to any third party.

Prohibited Conduct by Users of This Site
Personal attacks on or abuse of any company, people or administrators of a forum or other group communication.

Postings of any obscene, offensive or unlawful or fraudulent content (including links) or content to be used for unlawful or fraudulent purposes or anything that is defamatory or infringes on any person’s rights or posting of any personal information of any person including yourself.

Posting of any materials containing viruses, malicious or destructive code, or phishing, spamming, advertising, etc.

In managing, developing and distributing intellectual property, the philosophy of The Knowledge Bureau is that it interprets the news as it relates to wealth and health management issues and provides perspective under a framework called Real Wealth Management. It does not provide advice. It is also not a platform for any other company and does not associate itself with individuals who wish to use Knowledge Bureau, Inc. as a platform to sell other products or services from which they benefit financially, unless they are prepared to make full disclosure. The Knowledge Bureau has the following expectations of its speakers, instructors, associates, authors, and lecturers:

Advice. They will not provide advice unless they are appropriately registered and licensed, and appropriately qualified to do so. We expect that our associates will and have made themselves aware what type of advice is under jurisdiction of regulators.

Transparency. We expect our associates to make full disclosures of any compensatory relationship (monetary or otherwise) with the company that hires them or pays them consulting or other fees or commissions. They are required to state how they will benefit if the audience is being invited to consider and/or buy a product from a company with which the speaker has a compensatory relationship, including receipt of consulting fees, commissions or trailer or any beneficial ownership.

Based on these written policies and our stated and expected conduct of our speakers and instructors, neither Knowledge Bureau nor any of our employees can take responsibility for the results of any actions taken by any persons that may have adverse financial consequences.

THE PUBLISHER (Knowledge Bureau) allows single user access to the components of its self study programs of studies with a valid paid registration in the program for the time frames allowed within the program of studies—which are limited to a maximum of six months per course, (subject to change at Knowledge Bureau’s discretion) and this includes use of the online portion of the program, and all accompanying Knowledge Net Tools.

Multiple user fees are negotiable for those who wish to use this program for any or all associates of one branch office. In that case, the fee for each participant is negotiated on a case-by-case basis, based on volume. Please call us to arrange this multiple user license for your firm. Use of Knowledge Bureau publications (Knowledge Bureau Report) is free for viewing from email services or Knowledge Bureau home page. However a strict content reproduction and privacy policy is in effect.

Continuous Improvement Philosophy
At Knowledge Bureau, we always try to enhance our relationship with all our students by investing in a Continuous Improvement and “EverGreening” philosophy to content development and student services. We invite you to share in this philosophy by helping us to continuously improve and update.

Continuous Improvement: When we become aware of errors, omissions or other improvements required we fix those errors and omissions either by personal contact, in the course materials, through use of email and/or our Knowledge Bureau Report, depending upon the urgency and breadth of the matter. We also include clarifications and improvements to Guidance provided for students as required.

EverGreening: As change happens continuously in the tax and financial services Knowledge Bureau is committed to keeping its students up-to-date with a world class research library: EverGreen Explanatory Notes, which is updated weekly, Knowledge Bureau Report which is a complimentary e-newsletter service provided directly to students, through course updates, revisions and new course development. Please see our disclaimer policies in the courseware and on our website. They set out limitations regarding our content and authorship.

Dissatisfaction during course of study period
We work with the student to fix the problem to the best of our ability and resources, so the student can complete their studies successfully. The student has paid for access to student support as part of the tuition fees for a defined period. In cases where the student has not contacted us for help along the way or has not started the program within the study time allotted time for it, it is considered that the student has used the materials for personal use and there is no further action. As such, there are no refunds.

Dissatisfied on completion of programs
Our mandate is to help students successfully complete their programs. We identify the issues, determine whether courses/materials need adjustments, if there is a legitimate problem with the product or service, make corrections, and teach to the issues. There are no refunds for convenience or failure to start.

Expressing our gratitude
We sincerely appreciate your help in our ongoing pursuit of excellence. Where a student has helped us identify areas of improvement or required change we may consider giving thanks with a financial credit toward the cost of a future course. The publisher’s decision on this is final and any credits/awards issued may not exceed tuition fees paid.