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This Week’s Edition of KBR:

July 2024 Poll

Starting in July, CRA will provide legal warnings to recover more than $9 billion of overpaid pandemic recovery benefits like CERB. Do you think that is fair?
Yes: 135 votes
No: 27 votes

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Federal Election Campaign Round-Up

If you are a Canadian investor, business owner, or average taxpayer concerned about the overall affordability of living in Canada heading into the federal election on October 21, you will want to take a close look at the tax and economic proposals included in the major party’s campaigns. We’ve done a comparison and there are some eyebrow raisers!

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Year End Tax Incentives:  Eco-Incentives and 100% Write-offs

Should you be buying a business asset before year end? There are some great tax incentives available if you’re in the market for new office furniture or a new car. The Accelerated Investment Incentive introduced last fall triples the capital cost allowance claims for assets purchased after November 20, 2018. That means your expenditures for all assets purchased in 2019 will qualify. Eco-friendly cars also qualify for an extra saving. Here are the details:

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Dividing Assets on Separation or Divorce

Last week, we covered *Divorce: Minimizing Set-Back Through Tax Efficiency. However, there is another piece to the financial puzzle that divorce introduces: division of assets. This article will explore the division of common assets upon divorce; a process legal, tax and financial advisors will want to be up-to-speed.

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Post-Election Leaders Lunch : Join us at the next Vantage Event on October 28, 2019

The Canadian wealth management industry is experiencing unprecedented change, as major shifts in client demographics and expectations present new demands. Wealth managers face significant opportunities to acquire new clients, while current clients need to understand the value they are receiving. How should wealth managers prepare to grow through this period of rapid change?

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Consumers without Credit:  Home Trust Helps Advisors Understand New Needs

Debt-to-disposable income levels in Canada is very high, according to Statistics Canada. The figure recently edged down to 177.1% from 177.5% but it still means that Canadians owe $1.77 for every $1.00 in disposable income. It’s a big topic for discussion at year end planning meetings with clients, covered at the November CE Summits national tour November 2-6, by new sponsor, Home Trust.

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