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This Week’s Edition of KBR:

July 2024 Poll

Starting in July, CRA will provide legal warnings to recover more than $9 billion of overpaid pandemic recovery benefits like CERB. Do you think that is fair?
Yes: 136 votes
No: 27 votes

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Really Odd Medical Expenses You Don’t Want to Miss

Medical expenses are among the most commonly overlooked tax provisions and it’s important to pay attention to unreimbursed medical expenses and to claim them as they can be used to reduce taxes payable. CRA has a list of over 130 claimable medical expenses. Here are some odd medical expenses you don’t want to miss:

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DAC 2019 Special Report - Rave Review from Delegates

DAC 2019 in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico is in full swing this week and Day 3 is underway today. It has been an outstanding conference in every respect, with all the speakers hitting their topics out of the park with passion, cutting-edge insights, and highly engaged delegates discussing resilience and competition in a dramatically changing world.

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CE Summits – Canada’s Most Comprehensive T1 Filing Course

Advanced 2020 Personal Tax Update - Join Canadian tax expert Evelyn Jacks and special guest instructors from across Canada who will update you on the latest personal tax changes on the tax forms and dig deep behind the lines so you can find every tax deduction and credit available to the families you do tax returns for. Train your new seasonal and returning staff and save money by booking a whole table. This popular event sells out every year so enrol early.

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Three Months Until Tax Season Starts! Train Your Team

Last year, tax season began on February 19. Tax season has been starting later, leaving less time to file your clients’ returns; but that does leave more time to shore up your education. Now is the time to ensure your team is up-to-speed and ready to prepare audit-proof, tax-efficient returns that save your clients money.

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The Next New Tax Facts: Plan Now for 2020

Once you’ve done your year-end planning for 2019, it’s important to know what your tax situation for 2020 will look like. Indexation of tax brackets and personal amounts are based on the Consumer Price Index for September, while prescribed interest rates are based on the average rate for three-month Treasury Bills for October. Although the CRA won’t announce the exact figures until later in November, here’s what to expect the new tax numbers to look like based on a federal indexing factor of 1.9%

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