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This Week’s Edition of KBR:

July 2024 Poll

Starting in July, CRA will provide legal warnings to recover more than $9 billion of overpaid pandemic recovery benefits like CERB. Do you think that is fair?
Yes: 115 votes
No: 23 votes

Cast Your Vote

New Rent Relief for Canadian Businesses

Much to the relief of small business owners, the New Canada Emergency Rent Subsidy, announced 9 days after October rent payments were due, brought rent and mortgage support directly into the hands of business tenants. There was more good news, too. A new forgivable loan for businesses affected by the second wave of this pandemic was also introduced.  Here are the details:

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Good News for Employees; Self-Employed, Not So Much

Good news on the labor front in Canada:  the unemployment rate dropped to 9.0% in September, down from a high of 13.7% in May.  Further, the September Labour Force Survey released October 9 for the week of September 13 to 19, reported fewer people receiving the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) , EI or the Canada Emergency Student Benefit (13.5% down from 16.1%) and that the employment rate rose 2.1%.  So, what’s the bad news?   

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Cash Crunch? Help Clients Find New Money

The pandemic has changed the financial picture for a lot of Canadians. The good news?  Changes in income levels can produce tax savings few people have thought about. Reduced income, for example, may change the taxpayer’s requirement to make their December 15 instalment payment.  Or they may qualify now to collect tax benefits they would otherwise not be entitled to. Check out this true-to-life example:

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Quote of the Day

 “There is nothing government can give you that it hasn’t taken from you in the first place.”- Sir Winston Churchill, Prime Minister of the UK 1940-1945 and 1951-1955.

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Last Day to Enrol for the Virtual Distinguished Advisor Conference!

Be on the forefront of a massive shift in your business: learn how to transform your services to the highly personalized, digital solutions your clients now demand. It's not too late to join advisors from coast to coast in the unique virtual conference and networking experience we have created for you at the 17th annual Distinguished Advisor Conference October 28 – 30 (with access for completion of the program until November 14).

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