Knowledge Bureau Report

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This Week’s Edition of KBR:

July 2024 Poll

Starting in July, CRA will provide legal warnings to recover more than $9 billion of overpaid pandemic recovery benefits like CERB. Do you think that is fair?
Yes: 115 votes
No: 23 votes

Cast Your Vote

Mark Your 2021 Educational Calendar

Now is the right time to plan your professional development opportunities and earn CE credits in 2021. Explore your options with our new interactive Calendar of Educational Events 2021 and reserve your time to get your world class financial education in place.

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CERB & CERB: Definition of Income Explained

There are many definitions of income on the tax return and understanding them makes a big difference in your relationship with the CRA, as many CERB recipients have recently found out.  Over 440,000 “education letters” have been sent to recipients warning of repayment requirements before the end of the year. It continues to beg the question:  what exactly is the definition of “income”?

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Last week, we discussed the pros and cons of continuing to contribute to the CPP when compared to a TFSA instead.  This week, we discuss planning opportunities for taxpayers under and over age 65.

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Employee Life and Health Trusts

Since 2009, the government has worked to create a new Employee Life and Health Trust to replace Health and Welfare Trusts.  Last month, new rules were proposed to allow for the transition of Health and Welfare Trusts and permit for the rollover of assets, so that one set of rules can be applied to both. In addition, new “designated employee benefits” and relaxed restrictions for “Key Employees” were introduced.   An overview follows:

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Poll Results: Will Business Owners Make Ends Meet?

The results of our November poll were sobering; after a neck-in-neck race with opinions divided, 50.29% of professionals in the tax and financial services answered “no” when we asked if they thought their business clients would be able to make ends meet before year-end.

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