Knowledge Bureau Report

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This Week’s Edition of KBR:

July 2024 Poll

Starting in July, CRA will provide legal warnings to recover more than $9 billion of overpaid pandemic recovery benefits like CERB. Do you think that is fair?
Yes: 115 votes
No: 23 votes

Cast Your Vote

Breaking News: Retrain Manitoba Program

APPLY NOW: A $12.5M Retrain Manitoba Program that was just announced will reimburse Manitoba businesses up to $2,500 per employee for any training relevant to their industry and role.  Tax accounting and financial services business owners can use the money to train new and returning staff for tax season 2022, retroactive to April 1, 2021 will also be eligible to apply for reimbursement. Those who have trained their teams with Knowledge Bureau, and meet all other criteria, will be eligible for reimbursement through this program.

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CCB Young Child Supplement 2021

Canada Child Benefit (CCB) amounts increased again in 2021.  Technically, the base amount did not change until July, but a supplement was added for younger children for the full year.  This supplement has a big acronym attached to it:  the Canada Child Benefit Young Child Supplement (CCBYCS). 

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New Marketing Trends: Become Digitally Disruptive to Grow

The global pandemic has driven millions of consumers to online shopping and digital commerce, and that has altered their relationship with tax accounting and financial advisors’ firms too.  Will things ever go back to the way they were?  Likely not, but here are four important marketing tips that can help you propel your business growth in 2022 from a leading Canadian social media expert.

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DAC Martini Vent A Big Hit

Jennifer Snyder, CEO of Doyenne Financial hosted a Martini Vent at DAC 2021 where delegates could discuss highlights (the rose), opportunities (the bud) and challenges (the thorn) they have faced over the past year while enjoying a home-made martini with ingredients (in a flashing martini glass) included in the DAC-in-a-box at a fun networking event.   Indeed, there were some wisdoms amongst the olives:

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Family Business Transfers at Tax Risk

Unsure about transferring the family farming or fishing corporation or small business corporation to your child or grandchild under the current taxing environment?  There is good reason, considering a reprieve family businesses obtained with the passage of private members’ Bill C-208; has now ended effective November 1.

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