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This Week’s Edition of KBR:

July 2024 Poll

Starting in July, CRA will provide legal warnings to recover more than $9 billion of overpaid pandemic recovery benefits like CERB. Do you think that is fair?
Yes: 115 votes
No: 23 votes

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Need AIC Credits? We’ve Got Them For You

If you are looking for Alberta Insurance Council (AIC) credits this year, there’s still an opportunity to register for the Advanced Retirement & Estate Planning Course, as featured in the May Virtual CE Summit.

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Climate Action Incentive (CAI) – Gas Cost Relief Coming July 15

Planning a vacation with the kids in July? If you live in Manitoba, Ontario, Alberta or Saskatchewan, CRA will be sending you some gas money soon via the Climate Action Incentive – hundreds of dollars in fact - but only if you filed a 2021 tax return.  It’s not too late to get in on this and other social benefits that are paid after June 30; a quagmire of must-know tax info, your tax specialist can help you with before the holidays start.  Some details follow:    

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Assignment Sales: New GST/HST Rules

Do you know of anyone who has assigned the purchase of a home to another person before moving into it? Perhaps you know of an investor in a new condo complex, who has put down a deposit with the hope of engaging a third party once the condo is built and the price goes up. If so, be sure they know about new tax rules for such “speculative sales”, which will render this type of transaction to GST/HST effective May 7, 2022, and could eliminate rights to capital gains treatment as well.    

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Tax Freedom Day in Canada: June 15, 2022

This year, Tax Freedom Day for Canadians fell on June 15, 2022, which is four days later than last year, and almost a full two months later than the US hit the same milestone. That means when you add tax and inflation together, Canadians have a more compelling financial issue than our neighbours to the South. For those reasons, working with tax and financial advisors is critical as there are many opportunities to save money on taxes and benefit from generous tax credits here in Canada. Professionals can make sure Canadians don’t miss out in these expensive times.

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What Need to Be Filed by June 30?

Did you know that there are three things that have to be filed by June 30? This includes Form RC243 TFSA Return and RC243 – Schedule A – Excess TFSA amounts, as well as the Registered Charity Information Return (T3010). Read on to find out more about the requirements for charities:

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