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This Week’s Edition of KBR:

July 2024 Poll

Starting in July, CRA will provide legal warnings to recover more than $9 billion of overpaid pandemic recovery benefits like CERB. Do you think that is fair?
Yes: 113 votes
No: 23 votes

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CE Savvy™ Collection – Multi-Generational Wealth Planning

Multi-generational wealth planning is fraught with potential failure because it’s so hard to get everyone on the same page – mom & dad, the kids and the grandkids!  But it’s possible with a multi-stakeholder process you can easily learn with our new CE Savvy™ Collection of five micro-courses!  You too can learn  how the process of objective-based planning and joint decision making can really move a  Real Wealth Management™ plan forward, and bring huge value to clients who are struggling with how to best plan for the future.   The five micro-courses are entitled:

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Advanced Serious Illness Planning: Learn a Better Way

Here’s a sobering thought:  when people get seriously ill, only 1 in 3 patients get the medical care that is right for them.  This, according to Dr. Daren Heyland who will explain more in two important sessions at the May 24 CE Summit.   Families are ill-prepared to make the life and death decisions they are called upon to make on the patient’s behalf and consequently, says Dr. Heyland,  they suffer significant anxiety and stress.  Things can get worse if the patient survives. If the person survives their serious illness but is left vulnerable and incapacitated, many families struggle to provide the best medical and personal care possible and end up quarreling about how to use the patient’s resources. The current ways of planning ahead for future illness are not working….but you can be part of the change.

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Inflation Protection: How to Get the Grocery Rebate and More

The GST/HST credit system is being used to provide three inflation boosts recently, but late filers may be missing out.  A one time payment arrived in November; then, on October 18, 2022,  Bill C-30 received Royal Assent to double the amount of the GST tax credit eligible taxpayers were already receiving in January.  Next, the Bill to enable the new Grocery Rebate, will pass.  Money won’t be distributed until July 5, according to CRA.  But those who don’t get their tax returns  caught up will miss out on hundreds possibly thousands, of dollars. Details appear below:

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CRA Working from Home: Who’s Looking Over the Shoulder?

Privacy, confidentiality, security are foundational hallmarks in the relationship between taxpayers and their tax department. CRA takes this obligation seriously. However, during the pandemic, more than 90% of employees worked remotely.

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CFIB Survey: 76% of Tax Pros Say Service Has Gotten Worse

A recent CFIB survey revealed that 76% of pros already had significant concerns about worsening service levels and intimidation tactics at the CRA. Here’s what the April 2023 survey found:      

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