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This Week’s Edition of KBR:

July 2024 Poll

Starting in July, CRA will provide legal warnings to recover more than $9 billion of overpaid pandemic recovery benefits like CERB. Do you think that is fair?
Yes: 113 votes
No: 23 votes

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Increasing Insolvencies: CERB Tax Debt to Blame?

A new study reports that Millennials have been dealt a raw hand recent economic changes, that have landed them under water with high student loan debt, credit card debt, demand loan debt and the CERB repayment, which has pushed many over the edge into insolvency. 

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New Conjugal Harmony: Divorce Rate Drops in Canada

The divorce rate has dropped by one third in Canada since 2016, in a surprising statistical table published by Statistics Canada this week. This is contrary to the reports by some divorce lawyers who saw a spike in inquiries during the pandemic. Was this new family harmony an anomaly or was there a pandemic blip in the numbers? 

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Bill C-47 – March 28, 2023 Budget Off to Senate

Bill C-47, which was tabled on April 20, 2023 to enact certain provisions of the March 28, 2023 federal budget passed through the House of Commons on June 8, 2023, and is now off to the Senate.  With swift passage there, provisions such as the Grocery Rebate could be initiated for anticipated payment by July 5.  However, there are other very important provisions in the 430-page document – sign up to receive Knowledge Bureau Report in your inbox to receive our detailed budget report for more information! 

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Fewer Givers: New Trends in Charitable Giving

An interesting trend has emerged in giving has emerged over the pandemic years.  In a new report released by Statistics Canada on March 14, 2023 there was a 3% drop in donors claiming donation tax credits in the 2021 tax filing year.  Are Canadians less charitable these days? Or is something else going on? 

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The Opportunities are Hot in Tax and Financial Services

It’s hot times in the tax and financial services industries, as the upward trend in both wages and job opportunities that started last year continue to increase, according to Statistics Canada. If you’re looking for new team members to scale up your business, you might be surprised to find how much you could have to pay to secure talent, and which sectors will have the hardest time landing them.

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