A thorough analysis of today’s financial news—delivered weekly to your inbox or via social media. As part of Knowledge Bureau’s interactive network, the Report covers current issues on the tax and financial services landscape and provides a wide range of professional benefits, including access to peer-to-peer blogs, opinion polls, online lessons, and vital industry information from Canada’s only multi-disciplinary financial educator.
Just how good is your tax knowledge these days? Are you up for a little year-end tax test to see just how much you need to “shake out the cobwebs” before tax season 2016? Here’s how it works: tell us the significance of these numbers that will appear on the 2015 T1 Return: $2093, $7033, $7899, $11,327, $15,255, $25,370, $35,466, $72,809 and $140,944.
It’s more important than ever for Millennials and their Boomer parents to start discussions about multi-generation tax, retirement and financial planning, and after dinner story-telling over the holidays is a great way to start a new financial journey in 2016. Just how do you build a Wealth Purpose with a Tax Strategy? Evelyn Jacks’ Family Tax Essentials will provide you with some great new ideas!
How can you be a better steward of your clients’ wealth? How can you communicate effectively to them your role as a financial fiduciary? The trend in the financial industry is towards greater transparency as the value of advice trumps a transaction-based service. But to create a more powerful value proposition for your advisory practice in 2016, you need to refocus on your fiduciary duty.
CRA released its personal tax credits return on November 27 with few surprises.
Recently a group of professional organizations, including the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP), expressed their concerns about amendments to the Income Tax Act (the Act), which received Royal Assent on December 16, 2014. The provisions, related to subsection 104(13.4), the tax treatment of trusts, come into effect on January 1, 2016. The Department of Finance responded to those concerns in an open letter on November 16, 2015, a summary of which follows.