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This Week’s Edition of KBR:

July 2024 Poll

Starting in July, CRA will provide legal warnings to recover more than $9 billion of overpaid pandemic recovery benefits like CERB. Do you think that is fair?
Yes: 115 votes
No: 23 votes

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Is Your Email Safe Enough? Secure File and Message Transfer Critical for Professionals

Your clients may be increasingly concerned that their personal information is secure as you work with them. Are you confident that the information that you and your clients transfer between you is secure? What can you do to ensure it is?

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Demographic Trends: The Changing Face of Canada’s Women

Canada possesses priceless resources, not just in its natural resources but also in new human resources—gems that are waiting to be uncovered. They are highly educated immigrant women, ready to contribute to the economy in a significant way.

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Economic and Fiscal Outlook for November 2015

The Canadian economy has deteriorated in the last six months, according to a press release from the Office of the Parliamentary Budget Officer (PBO), and growth is expected to be slower than anticipated over the next few years. A weaker economy translates into larger deficits over the medium term than the PBO forecast in April, states the report, which was released November 10.

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Financial Literacy Declines in Later Life: Dr. Michael Finke at DAC

Those who earn more live longer, the longevity gap between men and women is closing and living close to your kids in retirement may turn out, well, differently than you may think. All of these factors and more will change how you think about retirement planning, according to Dr. Michael Finke, a keynote speaker at the Distinguished Advisors Conference (DAC) in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, last week. But his biggest “aha” moments came from research on the financial literacy of seniors.

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See the Possibility:  Joe Roberts, The Skid Row CEO, On Addiction in the Family

Joe Roberts, also known as “The Skid Row CEO,” held the audience at Distinguished Advisor Conference (DAC) rapt with his moving personal story of addiction and recovery. Revealing the power of having difficult conversations with clients, Joe showed how trusted advisors can take their work to another level, especially in making financial plans for those who are vulnerable due to addiction.

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