Knowledge Bureau Report

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This Week’s Edition of KBR:

July 2024 Poll

Starting in July, CRA will provide legal warnings to recover more than $9 billion of overpaid pandemic recovery benefits like CERB. Do you think that is fair?
Yes: 115 votes
No: 23 votes

Cast Your Vote

Nine in 10 Business and Financial Pros Oppose Morneau’s Tax Proposals

Accountants, bookkeepers, financial advisors and business leaders are joining the chorus of dissent against Ottawa’s proposed tax changes affecting private corporations, warning of dire consequences to the Canadian economy if implemented, a Knowledge Bureau survey finds.

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Poll Comment of the Month: Canadians Betrayed by Tax Proposals

We received dozens of thoughtful, well-crafted comments to our August poll on the proposals to tax passive investment income inside a small business corporation at top personal rates. But this “Letter to the Government” submitted by Brad is a must-read.

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Back to School Tax Tip: Understand and Use the RESP

Did you know that dentistry, pharmacy, medicine and law are the professions with the highest undergraduate tuition fees in Canada, ranging from $10,000 to $18,000 per year? The average tuition fee for all faculties is just under $6,000 a year. With this in mind, most families could find it challenging to fund their family’s lifelong educational needs. The Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP) can help.

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7 Factors for Classifying Your Side-Gig Income with the CRA

About 32 per cent of workers are starting their own businesses on the side for a variety of reasons — including 25 per cent of those who earn more than $75,000 and 19 per cent of those with income over $100,000. For tax purposes, it’s critical to know the difference between someone who is employed and someone who is considered self-employed.

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Will Robo-Advisors Threaten the Future of Your Financial Services Business?

As a financial advisor, you rely on technology to do your job effectively, but it’s also a disruptor in the industry these days. Robo-advisors are a force to be reckoned with, offering automated services that provide low-cost advice. Are they turning financial advice into a commodity? Will you be priced out of the market? How can you compete with robo-advisors?

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