Knowledge Bureau Report

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This Week’s Edition of KBR:

July 2024 Poll

Starting in July, CRA will provide legal warnings to recover more than $9 billion of overpaid pandemic recovery benefits like CERB. Do you think that is fair?
Yes: 115 votes
No: 23 votes

Cast Your Vote

People in the News

Ottawa-based financial professional Marc Ouellet has this to say about Knowledge Bureau’s Advanced Tax-Efficient Retirement Income Planning course

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Changes to Corporate Income-Splitting Rules Could Hurt Women and Families

Finance Canada’s controversial proposals on the taxation of private corporations, which require comments on the changes by October 2, will potentially affect businesspeople of all income levels, from all walks of life, who serve and employ Canadians in their hometowns across Canada. However, they will also affect families and, in particular, women.

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Students Will Owe $30K by Graduation: Debt Management Critical

Three-quarters (74 per cent) of Canadian post-secondary students believe they will need to supplement their schooling with more training after graduation, despite already spending on average $14,000 each year and expecting to owe $30,000 in debt by the time they complete their current program.

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Bank Letters to Foreign Account Holders NOT a Scam

Advisors, inform your clients that they may receive letters from their financial institutions that they need to respond to, and it’s not a phishing scam.

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Intergenerational Wealth Transfer: Protecting Family Wealth for the Future

It’s a well-known fact that the next decade will see an enormous amount of money transferred from one generation to the next in Canada. According to a 2016 CIBC study, there is $750 billion at stake. Your clients, and your high-net-worth clients in particular, will be looking to you to help them preserve their family wealth, if they aren’t already.

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