A thorough analysis of today’s financial news—delivered weekly to your inbox or via social media. As part of Knowledge Bureau’s interactive network, the Report covers current issues on the tax and financial services landscape and provides a wide range of professional benefits, including access to peer-to-peer blogs, opinion polls, online lessons, and vital industry information from Canada’s only multi-disciplinary financial educator.
It’s the season when many Canadian snowbirds who spend the winter in the United States return to Canadian soil. Timely, as there is also an essential tax deadline for these individuals coming up soon. Learn more about this deadline, and other essential dates that tax and financial advisors must address now that the April 30 personal income tax filing deadline has passed.
By a wide margin, Knowledge Bureau poll respondents disagreed with the concept of free childcare for all, as 72 percent voted “no” to the question: Do you agree that licensed day care centres should be fully government funded for children aged 2½ until they are eligible for kindergarten?
Tax and financial advisors are in agreement—the Canada Revenue Agency’s audit practices are more aggressive than ever. Now that the deadline has passed for filing 2017 personal income tax, it’s already time to prepare your clients for success in the 2018 tax season. Knowledge Bureau offers the education and support you need to mitigate the tax-audit risks that could cost you and your clients, and maximize their benefits and deductions.
Do you have leadership goals, despite your experience? Do you want to continue to develop as a more effective leader as you grow your career and build your business? There are now three new ways to do so, all in one exciting program.
Media giants like Facebook and Google heavily influence the resources available to internet users and it’s creating skepticism among Canadians who are questioning whether they can trust that they’re finding valuable, accurate information to guide their important financial decisions, and rightly so. This environment of doubt and uncertainty is an opportunity for astute tax and financial advisors to shine.