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This Week’s Edition of KBR:

July 2024 Poll

Starting in July, CRA will provide legal warnings to recover more than $9 billion of overpaid pandemic recovery benefits like CERB. Do you think that is fair?
Yes: 115 votes
No: 23 votes

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Federal Budget 2018: Liberals to Unveil It on February 27, 2018

February promises to go out like a lion with yesterday’s announcement that the 2018 budget will be unveiled on February 27, 2018. It’s interesting timing. Other important milestones: CRA starts processing 2017 tax returns on February 26, the T4/T5 tax slip deadline is on February 28 and the RRSP filing deadline is March 1.

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Tax Tip: 10 Tax-Exempt Income Sources

Love this tax tip: all income sources are not taxable. Here’s my top 10 favorite “dark horses” – exempt amounts most people don’t know about.

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Tax Season 2018: Refunds Won’t Flow Before End of February

Filing a tax return is the first, and often most important, financial transaction of the year for millions of Canadians. What’s different in 2018? For starters, the government is hanging on to early filers’ refunds longer than ever. With last year’s average tax refund clocking in at just over $1,735, that’s a big deposit that cash-strapped Canadians don’t have for their RRSP or TFSA deposit.

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Poll Results: No Sympathetic Ears for Non-Compliant Taxpayers

The verdict is out on non-compliant taxpayers: 87% of Knowledge Bureau readers gave a big thumbs down on putting themselves at risk by tolerating bad behaviors by taxpayers. Given the changes to the Voluntary Disclosures Program, starting March 1, 2018, so has the CRA.

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Happy Valentine’s Day: Give Yourself Some Love with the Gift of Education

What is the future of human work when robos are coming on so strongly?  Studies show that lifelong learning is essential for personal and professional development and in fact, that university students need to be ready to “re-skill” the moment they graduate. This from The Future of Jobs report, published by the World Economic Forum.

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