Knowledge Bureau Report

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This Week’s Edition of KBR:

July 2024 Poll

Starting in July, CRA will provide legal warnings to recover more than $9 billion of overpaid pandemic recovery benefits like CERB. Do you think that is fair?
Yes: 115 votes
No: 23 votes

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Protecting Investors’ Best Interests: It’s Been a Long Journey

On June 21st the Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA) released a harmonized set of proposals that requires investment industry representatives (registrants) to promote the best interests of their clients and put them first, to improve client outcomes. It’s something most clients would expect of their professional advisors; yet there are several investor protection concerns to address.

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Young Advisors: The Millennial Market Rocks Retirement Planning

Are Millennials really that unmotivated, and underperforming? Not according to an important new study. In fact, it turns out that Millennials may be ahead of their parents when it comes to retirement planning, an important trend for young tax and financial advisors looking to build their practices with peer group clients.

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Buy Canadian: But at What Cost?

It could be a “Buy-Canadian” summer as trade tensions escalating between Canada and U.S. are starting a movement towards economic nationalism throughout Canada. But that comes at a cost - can you afford to spend more? Canadians currently have over $2 Trillion in debt, according to the Bank of Canada, and increased spending could dig a deeper hole.

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CRA Improves Services Standards: Their New Three-Point Plan

Last year, the Canada Revenue Agency received extensive criticism for failing to meet basic service standards. But things have recently improved at the CRA; 74 percent of calls are being answered by an agent or auto assistant, compared to the mere 37 percent in 2015, which prompted this fall’s Auditor General Report. The CRA now intends to ensure things get even better, and responded to the criticisms on June 12, 2018 with a three-point action plan.

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Considering Buying a Business? Guidelines for Navigating Employee Rights

Our June poll asks readers whether or not they believe the self-employment route pays off in the long run, or whether having the financial security provided by an employer paycheque is smarter. Be sure to weigh in with your views, but in the meantime, Knowledge Bureau author Philippe Richer provides food for thought for those considering leaving the 9-to-5 behind for self-employment.

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