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This Week’s Edition of KBR:

July 2024 Poll

Starting in July, CRA will provide legal warnings to recover more than $9 billion of overpaid pandemic recovery benefits like CERB. Do you think that is fair?
Yes: 134 votes
No: 27 votes

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Newly Updated Course: Provide Expert Help When a Taxpayer Dies

Statistics Canada estimates the deaths in 2017/2018 numbered 142,331, and every single one requires that a final return be prepared and filed. Estate and final returns can be accompanied by a costly tax bill, especially if the client has a significant estate, assets, or savings. That’s where a highly qualified tax specialist comes to the rescue of executors who are responsible for filing the final return of the deceased.

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Financial Planning: Debt, Assets and Tax Change in Retirement

Seniors may be grappling with significant financial literacy challenges in retirement. According to a Statistics Canada study released on April 3, 2019, a greater number of seniors are in more debt than past generations, and one of the big reasons is mortgage debt. Together with higher taxes, “new” retirement income planning requires a close look at the net worth statement, followed closely with tax projections to maximize both income and savings.

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It’s Sustainable: Canada Pension Plan Outlook

The Canada Pension Plan (CPP) has earned an average return of 11.1% over the past ten years, and as of March 31, 2019, its value was $392 billion dollars. But, with longer life spans and the boomer generation retiring, will that be enough? Here’s a look ahead at how Canadians will fare as changes to the CPP program occur:

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Advisors Have a “Complex” Relationship with Digital Disruption

Is digital disruption a threat or an opportunity? We asked tax and financial advisors whether they think it is an advantage in their business, which helps drive value, or a threat to their industry? The answer isn’t entirely black and white for most, but what’s clear is that clients value face-to-face advice.  

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Tax Tip: Interest Costs on Investments with Diminished Value

Market volatility can bring unsavoury investment results. If you panicked and locked in your losses in your non-registered investment accounts, you may find that you are still stuck paying an investment loan. Is that interest going to be tax deductible? Read on to learn more:

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