Knowledge Bureau Report

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A thorough analysis of today’s financial news—delivered weekly to your inbox or via social media. As part of Knowledge Bureau’s interactive network, the Report covers current issues on the tax and financial services landscape and provides a wide range of professional benefits, including access to peer-to-peer blogs, opinion polls, online lessons, and vital industry information from Canada’s only multi-disciplinary financial educator.

This Week’s Edition of KBR:

July 2024 Poll

Starting in July, CRA will provide legal warnings to recover more than $9 billion of overpaid pandemic recovery benefits like CERB. Do you think that is fair?
Yes: 135 votes
No: 27 votes

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Making PD Affordable: Save On the Cost Achieving Your Credentials

September is back to school month, and Knowledge Bureau is making it a little easier for you to invest in your education. Until September 30th, Knowledge Bureau is waiving instalment fees on all designation and diploma programs purchased on the EZ-Pay instalment plan.

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September 15 Instalment Deadline: Your Tax Remittance Options

It’s quarterly tax instalment remittance time again! But do you really need to make the payment on September 15? You should be concerned if you earn income from self-employment, pensions, rental income, or receive taxable alimony. A DFA-Tax Services Specialist™ can help. Here is what you need to know.

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With Reduced Interest Rates, Are Student Loans More Affordable?

As promised in the 2019 federal budget, interest rates on Canada Student Loans are decreasing. Will this help affordability for students investing in their education? The answer is yes, but not immediately.

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Unfavourable:  Why Canada’s Global Tax Competitiveness Needs Reconsideration

Given the federal government’s increase of the federal personal tax rate from 29% to 33%; their attack on small business taxation (including the introduction of the tax on split income (TOSI) rules and the clawback of the small business deduction for passive investment income); and the upcoming Canadian federal election, Canadian entrepreneurs are concerned about their increased tax burden, and investors should be too, says Dr. Dean Smith, President Cadesky U.S. Tax, Ltd., a keynote speaker at DAC this November.

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Divorce: Minimizing Financial Set-backs Through Tax Efficiency

Divorce can be a huge set-back in one’s financial plan. In Canada, 38% of marriages end in divorce, and 42% of those end between 10 and 24 years of marriage.* With the help of qualified and knowledgeable financial and taxation advisors, the financial hit of divorce can be minimized.

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