Knowledge Bureau Report

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This Week’s Edition of KBR:

July 2024 Poll

Starting in July, CRA will provide legal warnings to recover more than $9 billion of overpaid pandemic recovery benefits like CERB. Do you think that is fair?
Yes: 135 votes
No: 27 votes

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Employment Insurance Rates Reduced for 2020

On September 13, the Canada Employment Insurance Commission announced the maximum EI insurable earnings and the premium rate for 2020*. The new premium rate and maximum insurable earnings will affect the first payroll of 2020. Here’s how:

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Elections & Taxes: How Much Will Be Left?

Financial advisors have a big role to play in helping their clients understand and explore the effect of the proposed tax and financial issues as part of their year-end tax planning activities. There have been tax cuts, but more alarming, the potential of really big tax hikes for today’s wealth holders. Are you and your clients up-to-speed on the effects on boomers in particular? Here’s what we know so far:

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Family Business: A Major Player in Canada’s Economy

Family business is integral to Canada’s economy, according to a recent study by Family Enterprise Xchange*. As major contributors in the areas of employment, goods and services produced, growth and longevity, family enterprises are an important opportunity for industry professionals to educate themselves and strategize, as the biggest threats to the continuity of family enterprise are demographics, tax policy and a lack of trained advisors.

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Cryptocurrency Changes: Tax and Investment Considerations

Blockchain technologies and tax rules related to cryptocurrency continue to evolve. What do tax and financial advisors need to know about how these changes impact assets and investments, today, tomorrow and in the years to come? The newest speaker added to the DAC 2019 lineup Hussein Hallak, CEO & Founder of Next Decentrum will provide a primer with his speech on Reshaping Your World: Blockchain, Cryptocurrency and Cybersecurity.

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What Does the Future Hold for Public Accounting?

In today’s era of innovation and industry disruption, CPAs have become wise to the fact that their future careers will look a lot different than how they do today.

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