Last updated: July 29 2020
Beth Graddon
The federal government announced Monday that tax filing and payment deadlines have been informally extended once again, this time until September 30. Though the deadline officially listed remains as June, no late filing penalties or interest will be charged provided the new September 30 deadline is met. However, tax credit or benefit recipients should file as soon as possible to avoid interruptions in payments.
The federal government announced Monday that tax filing and payment deadlines have been informally extended once again, this time until September 30. Though the official deadline officially listed remains as June, no late filing penalties or interest will be charged provided the new September 30 deadline is met. However, tax credit or benefit recipients should file as soon as possible to avoid interruptions in payments.
The CRA has stated that, “The previously-extended filing due dates for individual, corporation, and trust income tax returns remain unchanged. . . .recognizing the difficult circumstances faced by Canadians, the CRA will not charge late-filing penalties where a 2019 individual return or a 2019 or 2020 corporation, or trust return is filed late as long as it is filed by September 30, 2020.”
More good news: CRA is also waiving arrears interest on existing tax debts (relating to individual, corporate and trust returns) from April 1, 2020 to September 30, 2020 and from April 1 2020 to June 30, 2020 for GST/HST returns. This measure for existing tax debts won’t cancel penalties and interest already assessed on a taxpayer’s account prior to this period, but existing tax debt will not incur further interest charges during this period.
The CRA has also made the following notes:
For more information on pandemic benefit program updates, extended filing deadlines and their financial fallout, including the complex auditing process that still lies ahead, attend to the September 30 Virtual CE Summit.