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A thorough analysis of today’s financial news—delivered weekly to your inbox or via social media. As part of Knowledge Bureau’s interactive network, the Report covers current issues on the tax and financial services landscape and provides a wide range of professional benefits, including access to peer-to-peer blogs, opinion polls, online lessons, and vital industry information from Canada’s only multi-disciplinary financial educator.

This Week’s Edition of KBR:

July 2024 Poll

Starting in July, CRA will provide legal warnings to recover more than $9 billion of overpaid pandemic recovery benefits like CERB. Do you think that is fair?
Yes: 115 votes
No: 23 votes

Cast Your Vote

Did Pros Support the Pandemic Tax Extensions?

Today the federal government’s “Fiscal Snapshot” provided insight into the costs of the Emergency Pandemic Benefits designed to provide financial relief to individuals and businesses struggling during these tough times. One of them was the extension of personal income tax filing deadlines, and the waived T1 late filing penalties until September 1, despite maintaining a formal deadline of June 1. What did tax pros think about this when we asked them in our June poll?

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Debt Rises 88.3%: Canada’s Debt Rating Downgraded

It’s a good news/bad news story.  First the bad news:  On June 24, international credit ratings agency Fitch, one of three big credit rating firms based in the U.S., downgraded Canada’s pristine Long-Term Foreign Currency Issuer Default Rating rating from triple A to AA+ because of our greatly increased government debt.  It expects that debt will rise to 115.1% of gross domestic product (GDP); an increase of 88.3%  in 2020 over 2019 results.  So, what’s the good news? 

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Don’t Forget: GST/HST Remittance Deadline is June 30

June 30 is not typically a tax filing milestone, but this year is an exception as it is the extended GST/HST deadline for businesses. What needs to be filed, and what’s due next week?

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Back to Work! New Manitoba Job Restart Program

It’s time to ween off the CERB, at least in Manitoba, the implementation of a new program will supplement wages of those returning to the workforce: it’s time to get back to work!

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A Renaissance: Knowledge Bureau’s DAC Acuity 2020

Unfortunately, COVID-19 has slowed the opening of social immersion in Ontario and interrupted our plans to hold the Distinguished Advisor Conference in Niagara Falls, so we’ll be going there in fall 2021 instead.  This year’s DAC Acuity 2020 will be held virtually, with the unparallelled professional education and networking that are the hallmarks of the event and lots of interesting twists. There are also two ways to schedule the event into your busy calendar. Check this out:

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