Knowledge Bureau Report

Real Tax News Podcast View Poll

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A thorough analysis of today’s financial news—delivered weekly to your inbox or via social media. As part of Knowledge Bureau’s interactive network, the Report covers current issues on the tax and financial services landscape and provides a wide range of professional benefits, including access to peer-to-peer blogs, opinion polls, online lessons, and vital industry information from Canada’s only multi-disciplinary financial educator.

This Week’s Edition of KBR:

March 2025 Poll

In your view, has CRA improved its services to clients and tax preparers this year?
Yes: 1 votes
No: 28 votes

Cast Your Vote

Calculator for the New Canada Recovery Hiring Program

CRA launched its new Canada Recovery Hiring Program (CRHP) calculator today, to assist businesses in applying for support based on “incremental remuneration” in the period June 6 to November 20, 2021.  The program will overlap with CEWS and is meant to help businesses grow again as the economy reopens, as a result of hiring staff, increasing pay, or increasing shifts. It’s good news and advisors will want to bring details to their business owner clients immediately.  Here are the details:

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Mid Way Point:  Kick Start Pre-Retirement Savings with Tax Savvy

What matters is what you keep. As we have reached the 2021 halfway point, from a tax planning point of view it’s high time focus on ways to keep more money in your clients’ pockets before year-end.  A key question arises for pre-retirees in the post-COVID environment:  what are the right next steps if TFSA, RPP and RRSP contribution room has been maximized for every adult in the family?  The answer takes the investor back to three basics:

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Poll: Is it Premature to Reduce the Canada Recovery Benefit?

On June 23, the April 19, 2021 Federal Budget was passed into law by the House of Commons.  It included changes to pandemic supports, including the extension and reduction to the Canada Recovery Benefit to $300 per week. Our June Poll asked our readers if they feel this move is premature, and the answers provide insights to the question “Is it time to get our economy back to normal?” For the majority of our June Poll respondants (66%), the answer is ‘yes’ it’s time.  But it was a close neck-in-neck race and insights from both sides of the equation are enlightening.  Please read on to find out why:

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Re-Discovery:  Introspection Required to Meet New Demand

Are financial advisors failing the next generation?  A new survey says “yes”, as younger investors are dropping their financial advisors in favor of DIY (Do-It-Yourself) investing.  This requires introspection, especially by advisors who want to build practices for the future.  Fees are a big trigger, but looking more closely, there are two more compelling reasons which top advisors can step up to address.

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June 30 Deadline Reminders: Designates, Grads and New Students

June 30 is an important date to remember for both New Students and Grads at Knowledge Bureau!  Designates must recertify to continue to use their designation marks, while graduates will want to take advantage of their time limited VIP Grad discounts to continue their studies. For new students, there’s an opportunity to explore tuition offers on both online and instructor led courses.  Here is a rundown on opportunities for you.  Our friendly educational consultants are standing by to help.  call 1-866-953-4769 for personal assistance or email

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