Knowledge Gap Courses©

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Women and Finance

Your Tuition

Your first Knowledge Gap Course: $195.

Each subsequent Knowledge Gap Course: $99.

Study period: 1 month; extensions: $99 per month.


While women have traditionally faced several obstacles in accumulating wealth, they are now poised to directly control over one third of the assets in the Canadian economy in the next decade.Advisors who understand emerging financial needs and objectives for women – from millennials to boomers and older –can provide high value advice to a new demographic of wealth holders.


Women control over $2 trillion in personal financial assets today, but that is expected to increase by 70% by 2028. Women will need help from advisors in managing and investing as new High Net Worth Individuals.

What You’ll Learn

In this course you will learn about eight specific issues women face, and potential solutions you can discuss in order to have more valuable discussions in the decision-making process.

Deepen Your Knowledge, Earn CE Credits

  • Listen to your instructor
  • Read the Knowledge Journal
  • Take the CE Quiz
  • Earn valuable CE from Knowledge Bureau

Client Presentation

The Financial Storyboard™ you will enable new conversations about Women and Finance. This is high value financial education you can easily share.