Certificate Course: Tax Efficient Transition Planning


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​This course is for you if

You provide planning services to pre-retirees and pensioners
You are a professional looking to update your skills
You are training staff


This course covers a holistic retirement income planning process. You will acquire the knowledge to do a proper assessment of client vision and goals for retirement and engage them in a consistent process for addressing the three trigger questions that cause financial decision-making—life, financial, and economic events.

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Can start 24/7 anytime!

Regular Tuition: $995

Need help? Call us at 1-866-953-4769

​What you will learn

Using sophisticated tools students will learn tax and financial planning competencies in order to help clients adequately fund tax-efficient income requirements by accumulating, growing, preserving and transitioning wealth through three phases of retirement: pre-retirement, in-retirement and post retirement.

What surprised me about the courses was the outcome. My new understanding of the mechanics made it significantly easier for other advisors to implement my advice because I was confident I knew how to explain it.

-Ian Wood, MB

​Scope of the course

  • Methodology: Tax-Efficient Retirement Income Planning
  • First Steps: Helping Clients Envision the Plan
  • Tax Changes Relating to Retirees
  • Managing Government Income Sources
  • Managing Canada Pension Plan
  • Planning with Tax-Assisted, Self-Funded Sources
  • Foreign Pensions and Non-Registered Accounts
  • Tax-Efficient Retirement Income Planning for Employees Part 1
  • Tax-Efficient Retirement Income Planning for Employees Part 2
  • Planning for Post-Retirement and Survivors

​What is included

  • Tax deductible tuition fees
  • Potential for Canada Training Grant or other Government programs
  • Personal consultation and virtual campus orientation
  • Practical case studies using well-known professional software
  • Lesson plans and study plans
  • Calculators and tools you can use immediately
  • Personal instructor support by email
  • Testing and certification
  • Comprehensive Knowledge Journal
  • CE/CPD accreditation by various professional bodies
  • EverGreen Explanatory Notes - Online Research Library

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