You provide planning services to pre-retirees and pensioners
You are a professional looking to update your skills
You are training staff
The fourth course in the DMA™-Retirement Income Services Specialist Designation.
Understand the importance of succession planning for the business and key positions within the business; succession plan implementation; addressing the impact of succession on employees and the business as a whole; and succession of the business to third parties. Use this important knowledge to address estate planning for non-business owner clients as well.
You’ll develop an understanding of the importance of the planning process, and how routine planning in the business is an important precursor for succession planning. You’ll learn to differentiate and understand the relationship between succession planning for key positions in the business and for the business as a whole.
The MFA was able to deliver…Increasing my confidence when consulting with advisors on how to help their clients meet their financial goals.
- Tony Bosch, BC