Certificate Course: Use of Trusts in Tax and Estate Planning


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​This course is for you if

You provide tax services to corporate clients and business owners
You are a professional looking to update your skills
You are training staff


The sixth course in the DMA™-Family Business Services Specialist Designation.

The student will learn about basic trust mechanics, being able to distinguish the key parties to a trust, the legal status a trust enjoys, how to use trusts to exert control, and most important, how the new rules around bare trust filings and capital gains inclusion rates will impact trust structures. Through case studies, you will demonstrate the ability to identify client situations where income tax savings can be generated. This course allows advisors to develop a consistent process for trust planning that looks at tax efficiency of many different kinds of trusts (bare trusts, inter vivos, charitable remainder, Alter Ego and joint partner, insurance and RRSP, spousal trusts as well as trusts for disabled beneficiaries) and provide alternatives to trust structures in tax and estate planning as well.

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Can start 24/7 anytime!

Designation Program: $3,990
($665 x 6 certificates courses)

Regular Tuition: $895

Need help? Call us at 1-866-953-4769

​What you will learn

The student will be able to identify and distinguish the key parties of a trust, the legal status a trust enjoys under income tax and other laws.

Through case studies, you will demonstrate the ability to identify client situations where income tax savings can be generated. The student will learn a variety of different trusts.

This course allows advisors to develop a consistent process for trust planning that looks at tax efficiency of many different kinds of trusts.

It is important that we are proactive in terms of planning our clients’ affairs. Knowledge Bureau continues to provide me with relevant knowledge and strategies to help my clients navigate through the complex world of finance, life and taxation.

- George Donkor, ON

​Scope of the course

  • Basic Trust Mechanics
  • Trusts as Mechanisms to Exert Control
  • Basic Tax Treatment
  • Testamentary Trusts
  • Inter Vivos Trusts, Inter Vivos Trusts
  • Charitable Remainder Trusts
  • Alter Ego and Joint Partner Trusts
  • Insurance and RRSP Trusts
  • Spousal Trusts
  • Trusts for Disabled Beneficiaries

​What is included

  • Tax deductible tuition fees
  • Potential for Canada Training Grant or other Government programs
  • Personal consultation and virtual campus orientation
  • Practical case studies using well-known professional software
  • Lesson plans and study plans
  • Calculators and tools you can use immediately
  • Personal instructor support by email
  • Testing and certification
  • Comprehensive Knowledge Journal
  • CE/CPD accreditation by various professional bodies
  • EverGreen Explanatory Notes - Online Research Library

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