Last updated: October 10 2019
The purpose of year-end planning is to reveal the best ways to build, grow, and preserve income and assets. Done well, it puts a focus on avoiding wealth eroders like taxes and inflation. The object is to shore up financial resources well into the 2020s and beyond despite the uncertainties of tax, economic, and political change.
Working with the Attribution Rules . Our taxes are calculated on a progressive scale in Canada, on an individual-by-individual basis. We all qualify for a Basic Personal Amount (a tax-free zone), but after this, the more you earn, the more you pay.
It would be ideal to randomly transfer financial resources from high earners to low earners to get the best possible after-tax results. After all, economic decisions are usually for the household as one economic unit. Unfortunately, such an attempt to avoid paying high marginal rates of tax won’t work. It attracts what’s known as the Attribution Rules. Simply put, income generated in the hands of a low-taxed transferee from assets transferred by the high earner will be attributed back to that high earner for reporting on his or her return. There are, however, a few exceptions to these rules which should be integrated into year-end planning discussions:
Another opportunity is simply to invest the Canada Child Benefits (CCB) received for a child’s own source earnings into a separate account. Now all investment earnings – interest, dividends, foreign investment income and capital gains - are properly taxed in the hands of the child.
Bottom line: Some families will pay more taxes on investments after the election; others may get a targeted tax break. Regardless of whether capital gains inclusion rates rise or interest rates fall, your clients will appreciate your astute guidance in uncovering the most tax savings possible before we bid adieu to the first decade of the 21st century. Call it your contribution to maximizing their ROI.
Next Time: Tax Tips for Homeowners and Employees
Evelyn Jacks is President of Knowledge Bureau and author of 54 books on personal tax and wealth planning. Her most recent is almost sold out. Be sure to order Essential Tax Facts 2019 now.
Come out and meet Evelyn Jacks, and her special guests, bestselling author of Master Your Retirement, Doug Nelson, and prolific educator Larry Frostiak of Frostiak and Leslie, on tour at the CE Summits in November. The topic is advanced year-end tax, retirement and owner-manager planning strategies. see details below for registration.
Register by October 15 for early bird tuition rates at the CE Summits , taking place this November in Winnipeg, Toronto, Calgary and Vancouver.