Last updated: November 05 2014

What you’ve said about capital costs for passenger vehicles

92% voted a resounding YES to increasing the maximum limit on capital cost for passenger vehicles in Class 10.1 above $30,000 plus taxes.

Here’s why:

Corinne makes this point:  “You cannot purchase a good vehicle, even used, for under $35,000.  This rate should increase along with the actual cost of vehicles increasing.

Heather says: “With the price of vehicles increasing and the max set so many years ago, I feel that the amount should be increased to reflect the current price of vehicles.

Gaetan is firm:  “Yes!  It’s something called INFLATION! You certainly cannot purchase a decent van, truck, SUV, or a medium-sized vehicle for under $30,000 today. It is simply logical and imperative that this threshold be raised accordingly.

Thanks to all for participating. Next month’s poll addresses new tax reforms that impact Canadians nation-wide:

Do You Think the New Family Tax Cut Provisions will Help Canadian Families Save and Invest More for the Future?