Last updated: September 01 2021
The reasons are varied, but 60% of KBR readers polled last month said they won’t be hiring new seasonal staff in 2022 and the prevailing reason is uncertainty. Those who will be hiring won’t be doing so before year end but are busy making training plans now. Here are some of their thoughts on preparing for tax season 2022:
“Always hire support staff to assist with basic office duties and client volume management. I typically do hiring in December and January for February through May.” - Amanda Zais
“Very excited to start the process! Hired someone Monday to begin the process. Advice - do not wait until the new year. Things start moving fast! And you want your whole team prepared for the Knowledge Bureau tax course in January!” – Faithe Rouse
“This is the time that we are always looking to add awesome people to our team for the coming tax season. Every year for over twenty years now, our business continues to grow, meaning that we need to find good people who love doing personal and small business taxes every fall. We spend the fall reviewing for some staff and training for others who are new, to prepare for next years tax season. For us the pandemic has increased our workload as we have found new ways to meet with clients, get their information and provide the services they need.” - William Samplonius
“Not at this time and we seldom bring in temporary staff at any time.” - Robert Holmes
“Not right now waiting for Covid to end. People are still hesitant about meeting.” - William L. Coombes
“Too small yet, no need to hire, maybe someday.” - Terry
“I am planning on it at the moment. I’m not 100% sure yet.” - Robert A Litschel
Additional educational resources: It’s time for tax school! Enhance your credentials or train your new team members. We offer Study with a Buddy and Group training discounts for all of our certificate courses, CE Summits and customized training packages. Call us to discuss your needs today.
We also offer VIP Grad discounts for returning students. Check these exclusive rates out here!