Last updated: January 14 2020
If you are a tax, bookkeeping or financial advisor looking to sharpen your technical tax knowledge to accurately prepare personal tax returns or provide sound financial planning advice this tax season, don’t miss Canada’s most comprehensive T1 Advanced Tax Update. Besides the comprehensive 330-page course, CE Summit attendees receive a three-month subscription to EverGreen Explanatory Notes, and a full day of peer-to-peer training with expert instructors. It’s an outstanding value dedicated to enhancing your value proposition.
Done well, tax filing and planning will increase the purchasing power taxpayers have to live with financial peace of mind in their future and to limit their exposure to tax audit risk. Advisors who are positioned to add high value – whether you are from the tax, accounting, bookkeeping or financial services – will want to be a confident catalyst. Limited seating is still available so register for the CE Summits before it’s too late!
Here’s a look at the agenda and the contents in the comprehensive Knowledge Journal – which is worth the price of admission alone!
Reasons to attend the Winter CE Summits, kicking off in Winnipeg tomorrow!
1. Learn all the changes on the new T1 return and the details behind the lines and schedules.
2. The educational you’ll receive from Canada’s leading tax experts will enable purposeful tax planning. The tax filing process reconciles taxes prepaid throughout the 2019 tax year to determine the net cash flow Canadians have left over from their employment, business and investment activities for their economic activities in 2020 and beyond.
3. At the CE Summits, we’ll also dig deep into all the ways that tax planning, financial planning and wealth management are inter-related. Here are some highlights:
4. You’ll learn more about a Real Wealth Management Approach and how it is perfectly aligned with your clients’ emerging financial needs as it embellishes on a three-part role for advisors, taught in Knowledge Bureau courses, workshops and conferences:Educator, Advocate and Steward. At tax time, your goal is to participate not only in the tax preparation compliance requirement but to ensure the sustainability of family wealth – after taxes, inflation and fees:
5. You’ll focus on what your client keeps. Filing a tax return is the first financial transaction most Canadians will have in their financial lifecycle, and for many, it’s the most important financial transaction of the year. The average tax refund is large: In the 2019 tax filing season it was $1740. Those who owed money, owed an average of $6205; that’s $257 higher than last year’s $5948.
Interested in learning more? Check out the Knowledge Journal contents we've just released to the public and get a feel for how deep we'll dive into everything you need to know for tax filing and planning in 2020.
The CE Summits are accredited by Knowledge Bureau, Insurance Councils and IIROC for Cycle 8 credits, pending approval by the regulators.
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