Last updated: July 14 2021

RSVP for Meeting of the Minds RWM Aha Moments: August 11

Don’t miss the Society of Real Wealth Managers next Meeting of the Minds on August 11 at 10:30 am Central Time.  It's a free event to Introduce you to RWMs from coast-to-coast for three reasons: to connect. contribute. collaborate...and share RWM "aha moments"! Here's what you need to know:

Connect.  What to learn more about the Society of Real Wealth Managers?  Join us on Linkedin:™-0b9a491b2

Contribute. Society of RWM Members were invited to submit a short " Ah Ha Moment" to share why RWM has transformed their approach to their client relationships.  The audience will hear transformational stories about the Who, What, Where, When and Why of real RWM Practices!  These contributors will also be featured in our upcoming Society of Real Wealth Managers promotional video and join the panel at our next Meeting of the Minds August 11th, 2020

Collaborate. Join us for the lively discussion on August 11 at 10:30am Central. Register now for this free event!