Last updated: July 10 2024

Meeting Professional Standards of Conduct

Professionals who are designated specialists are committed to meeting standards of conduct that include professional development annually and an attestation to ethical conduct.  Knowledge Bureau designates who have not yet relicensed have the options that follow.

Knowledge Bureau offers four registered certification marks in the following areas of specialization:

  • RWM™ (Real Wealth Manager)
  • MFA™ (Master Financial Advisor)
  • DMA™ (Distinguished Master Advisor)
  • MFA-P™ (Philanthropy Services Specialist)

These registered marks signify the attainment of mastery and a defined standard of excellence in the field of specialization chosen.  They are conferred on graduates of the program upon completion of their education curriculum.  Holders of these registered marks are held to a high standard of practice conduct and to that end, must relicense the use of their designations on an annual basis.

Enrol in Your Required Program for 15 CE/CPD Credits within a 12-month period at least by June 30, extended to August 31 for the current period only.  Two types of credits qualify:

Verifiable Credits from Knowledge Bureau – enrol by June 30 and use $200 VIP Affinity Offer:

  • RWM™ - 30 CE Credits – 2 years of CE Credit requirements counted
  • DMA™ Program - individual certificate courses - 30 hours each – 2 years of CE Credits counted
  • 15 credit hours each – 5 for the summit, 10 for the online course
  • CE Savvy Biz Ed – Each Collection of 5 courses = 5 CE Credits
  • DAC Acuity Conference  - 15 credit hours
  • ™  – see

Non-Verifiable Credits – enrol by June 30 and use $200 VIP Affinity Offer:

  • DMA™ - Annual Subscription to EverGreen Explanatory Notes – (15 credit hours per year)- Stay up to date with this comprehensive, tax research library subscription service.
  • -Enrol in the Society of RWMs and receive a subscription to the RWM Discovery Calculators (15 credit hours per year).

Thought Leadership Opportunities.  Meet Annual Credits as Mentor, Analyst or Keynote Speaker

  • Thought leaders earn their CE Credits for ongoing licensing for designation purposes
  • Choose the following Student Support Opportunities to start:
    • Mentor students as a Course Support Instructor or
    • Become a Writer for EverGreen Explanatory Notes

Earn the FDFS™ Designation – Our best thought leaders are invited to teach at the CE Savvy Summits and the Acuity Conference for Distinguished Advisors and in the process earn the FDFS™ designation – Fellow of Distinguished Financial Services.  They are also invited to join the Fellowship of Distinguished Financial Advisors.

A 60 day grace period until August 31 is allowed for 2024.  There will be no further grace periods for June 30, 2025.  Failure to Attest and Register in a qualifying program will result in the following consequences:

  • A re-certification fee of $395.00.  Once this is paid you will receive a course upgrade to complete your 15 CE Credits (choose from one of 4 CE Savvy Summits)
  • Loss of access to VIP Designate tuition rates (continue to qualify for the $100 Alumni rates).

Failure to respond – You must cease using certification marks until professional updating is completed. Please call us to discuss re-instatement. 1-866-953-4769.

Attestation is required each year as follows and available for submission within the Virtual Campus:

Knowledge Mastery: I have successfully completed the required courses within the specialized field of service I have chosen and am committed to my continuing professional development annually.

Continuing Professional Development:   I am in good standing under the requirements of all professional industry designations and licenses I hold, including under my Knowledge Bureau designation program. I am committed to earning at least 15 hours of continuing education in every 12-month period ending June 30.  I understand that I can view my progress on my official transcript displayed in the Graduate Lounge in the Knowledge Bureau Virtual Campus and will receive periodic email notices of these requirements.

Professional Ethics: I have no criminal convictions now or pending, nor any citations for unethical conduct, or unresolved client complaints received by Knowledge Bureau. I understand and agree that if I am offside in any of these areas, I must give up the use of the designation marks, and remove them from all platforms or publications including letterhead, cards, websites and social media until the matter is resolved. I understand that various accreditors and regulators will require a public notice for unethical practices.

Compliance Guidance: I acknowledge that Knowledge Bureau provides guidance on compliance requirements, regulation and best interest duties in a variety of ways including articles in weekly Knowledge Bureau Report, delivered to me at no charge as long as I voluntarily subscribe, a part of my required reading in my continuing professional development. Knowledge Bureau also offers guidance on ethical practices at its live, virtual and in-conference programs, delivered by leaders in the industry on the subject areas.