Last updated: March 15 2023

Meeting of the Minds: 360 Degree Trigger Tour, March 22

Economic uncertainty, war, inflation, rising interest rates, market volatility and looming tax change – all have led to significant financial triggers to keep Real Wealth Managers on their toes. How can one person ensure that their client's holistic wealth plan is maximizing Real Wealth (sustainable inter-generational wealth after taxes, fees and inflation) when so many triggers occur at once?

Join us to learn about which Real Wealth Management Triggers are top of mind today to maximize your clients’ holistic Real Wealth Management plan at our

360 Degree Trigger Tour, March 22nd at 12pm CST.

The benefits: simplify your efforts, enhance your practice management approach, and increase your referability.

Ideal for financial professionals seeking more professional connections, ability to collaborate in practice and an opportunity to network with likeminded professionals from coast-to-coast

Register Now! Don’t miss this important discussion and knowledge sharing opportunity.  Register online and attend with our compliments on the new KB Virtual Campus!