Last updated: July 03 2013

Loonie Drops to 95 Cents…Wealth Advisors Needed

How will the continued weakening of the Canadian Dollar affect personal and family net worth? It’s an important question, especially for families who have recently purchased US property and are forced to pay soft costs with a diminishing currency.  Planning is required.

Fortunately this topic will be well covered at the Distinguished Advisor Conference November 10-13 in Ojai, CA. Shaun Osborne, Chief FX Strategist for TD Securities, will speak on the topic: Investment Opportunities when Currencies Fluctuate.

How much uncertainty does exchange rate risk bring to investment decisions? A declining dollar can add to returns in foreign markets, while a soaring dollar can bring negative effects, especially related to U.S. Equities. Is this the right time to buy into the U.S., gold, or other precious metals? Should your clients with homes in the U.S. be buying up U.S. dollars to fund future costs of holding properties there. Learn what drives currency markets for a better appreciation of the risks involved in investing abroad.

Six rooms remain for delegates – the opportunity to register has been extended until July 15.