Last updated: January 12 2016

Last Chance to Enrol in Advanced Tax Update Workshop

Learn all the details behind the lines on the 2015 T1 return. But hurry: registration ends Friday January 15.  Designed for the busy tax and financial professional, Knowledge Bureau’s Advanced Tax Workshop is custom-designed to provide the most recent advanced updates from CRA and Finance Canada and to shake out the cobwebs in time for tax season. Ideal for training new and returning staff, too.

Professionals may earn 10 CE/CPD credits and participate in important networking to build their business. The Winter Distinguished Advisor Workshop will be held Jan. 20 in Winnipeg, Jan. 21 in Calgary, Jan. 22 in Vancouver and Jan. 25 in Toronto. Click here to view the agenda and here to register.

WHY IS THIS TIMELY? If you are working as a professional in the tax, bookkeeping or financial services and preparing tax returns, books or providing documentation assistance to taxpayers who are investors, it is critical to know personal tax changes for the 2015 tax filing year. Answer questions about required documentation, tax compliance, and 2016 tax planning for individuals, families and multiple generations.

This workshop provides everything you need to know to provide the right answers confidently, with a minimum of non-productive research time. Included:  a comprehensive reference desk manual to keep this cutting-edge information at your fingertips!


  • Breakfast, lunch, coffee and snacks


  • BY PHONE 1-866-953-4769 or 204-953-4769


PRE-READING TOPICS: Personal Library: Attribution, Budget Update, Foreign Asset Reporting, GST Rebates, Child Care Expenses, Registered Retirement Income Fund (RRIF), Old Age Security, Canada Pension Plan, Corporate – Dividends – Reporting and Tax Planning Issues, S.85 Rollovers, CEC Transactions


7:45-8:00 Registration and Coffee  
8:00-9:00 Line-by-line Tax Update: What’s New in Personal Taxation?
At Department of Finance:
• Focus on Liberal Government Tax Changes
• Focus on Newcomers to Canada
At CRA: Shake out the Cobwebs
• 2015 T1 Tax Form Changes, Dark Horses & Tax Trivia Warm-up
• T1 Line-by-Line Tax Change Quiz

Evelyn Jacks,
President, Knowledge Bureau,
MFA, DFA-Tax Services Specialist™

9:00-10:15 Focus on Employees, Families & Students’ Income, Deductions and Schedule 1 Credits
• Registered pension plan deductions, past service contributions, RRSP contributions, planning optimal deduction, carry forward, SPP
• T778: Child care expenses
• T2209: Disability supports deduction
• T1M: Moving expenses
• T777 and TL2: Other employment expenses
• Canadian Forces personnel and police deduction
• Employee home relocation loan deduction
• Security options deductions
• T2222: Northern residents deductions
• GST/HST-370
• Schedule 1: Partial Canada employment amount, Public transit amount, Volunteer firefighters'/Emergency Services, Tuition, Education & Textbook, Student Loan Interest
• Family Credits: Kids Under/Over 18, Children’s Arts Amounts, Disability Amounts, Medical Expenses, Home renovations
• Refundable Credits: Working Income Tax Benefit & Advances, T626 Overseas employment tax credit, Fitness Tax Credit, Medical Supplement
Walter Harder,
DFA-Tax Services Specialist™
10:15-10:30 Focus on CRA Technology Changes with TaxCycle Marc Labrecque, VP National Sales
10:30-10:35 Introducing our Break Sponsors: Speed Interviews: Line-by-Line Links APATC &
Liberty Tax
10:35-10:50 Break  
10:50-12:00 Focus on Retirees, Asset Transfers and Final Returns
• Pre-retirement: Marginal tax brackets and rates, severance, RRSP rollovers, RRSP contributions, RRIF withdrawals and re-contributions
• Disability: Worker’s Comp, Private Disability Payments, CPP Disability, Repayments
• Early retirement: Phased-in pensions, pension income splitting, GIS, CPP
• Retirement Issues: Severance, RRSP Deductions, Spousal RRSPs & Withdrawals, Income Layering, Income Splitting, Instalment planning, Foreign pensions, OAS, Deferral Options, Age Amount, Transfer of Age Amount , Clawback planning
• Tax Calculations: Schedule 1, 2 and 9:
• Age amount, Amounts transferred from spouse or common-law partner
• Amount for Infirm Adults, Caregiver Amounts
• Disability Benefits, Medical expenses for self, spouse and dependants
• Donations and gifts
• Asset transfers and disposition: Real Estate, Business Assets
• Death of a Taxpayer
Walter Harder, DFA-Tax Services SpecialistTM
12:00-12:30 Focus on Electronic Privacy: How to evaluate if a cloud service provider is secure:Clients trust professionals to safeguard their sensitive information. Find out how to minimize the risk by learning about 5 fundamental security principles:
• Password management
• Encryption scheme for protecting data stored on their servers
• Reviewing their privacy policy and terms of service
• Assessing their data retention policy
• Inquiring about security reviews and any reported data breaches

Bob Seeman,

12:30-1:00 LUNCH  
1:00-1:30 Director’s Liability and Non-Arm’s Length Transfers: Understanding the CRA’s Ability to Collect Tax Debts from Third Parties The Income Tax Act & the Excise Tax Act allow the CRA to transfer the tax liability of a taxpayer onto third parties. This presentation will examine the current state of tax law when attributing liability onto directors of corporations and non-arm’s length persons like spouses. Farber Financial Group

James Bell Vancouver

Khalid Tariq Toronto
1:30-2:25 Income from Property & Investments
• Schedule 1: Detailed Tax Calculation
• T1206 – Tax on Split Income - Attribution – s.74.1(1) & s.74.1(2)
• Dividend Review: Eligible & Other than Eligible Dividends and Dividend Tax Credits, Other Dividends: Deemed, Stock, Capital Gains, Etc.
• Foreign Tax Credits: Forms T2036; T2209 and Section 20 deductions
• Schedule 3: Capital Gains and Losses - Income or Capital? T123 – Election on Disposition of Can. Securities
• T2017 – Reserve on Disposition
• T657 – Capital Gains Deduction
• T936 – Cumulative Net Investment Loss
• Allowable Business Investment Losses
• T1A – Request for Loss Carryback
• T1170 – Gains on Gifts of Certain Capital Properties
• T691 - Alternative Minimum Tax
• Schedule 4 – Audit-Proof Carrying Charges & Interest Expenses
• T1135 Filings – New Rules and Forms on Foreign Income Verification
Alan Rowell, MFA, DFA-Tax Services Specialist™
2:25-2:40 Focus on CRA Technology Changes with TaxCycle Marc Labrecque,
VP National Sales
2:40-2:45 Introducing our Break Sponsors:  Tax Trivia: Focus on New Tax Changes APATC  & Liberty Tax
2:45-3:00 BREAK  
3:00-4:00 Focus on the Small Business Owner
• T2125 Statement of Business Income, T5013FIN Partnership Return
• Income Reporting, Inventory Reporting, GST/HST Reporting
• Mixed use: Auto, home office, entertainment, conferences & seminars
• CCA: acquisition, improvement, deemed & actual disposition, terminal loss, recapture, Proposed CEC Changes
• T2203: Multiple Jurisdictions, Payroll & Source Deductions
• From Proprietor to Corporation: s.85 Roll-overs, The Steps Required, Traps: Shareholder Loans – s.15(2), Imputed Interest, Effective Tax Rate Planning
Alan Rowell, MFA, DFA-Tax Services Specialist™
4:00-4:30 End-to-End Online Practice Management:  Your Firm of the Future Scott Zandbergen
4:30 Evaluation, Certification and Close  

The Winter Distinguished Advisor Workshop will be held Jan. 20 in Winnipeg, Jan. 21 in Calgary, Jan. 22 in Vancouver and Jan. 25 in Toronto. Click here to view the agenda and here to register.


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