Last updated: October 25 2016

Indexation Factor Set for 2017

It may take a few weeks before CRA posts the numbers for 2017 tax brackets and personal amounts but the indexation factor is now determined. Get your exclusive peek at the new tax brackets for 2017 now.


Indexation of federal tax brackets and personal amounts for a given taxation year is based on the increase in the CPI from October 1 of the second prior year to September 30 of the prior year. For 2017, that’s the increase in the CPI from October 1, 2015, to September 30, 2016.

The CPI for September was recently released by Statistics Canada and the ratio is 1.014137 so amounts will increase by 1.4%. Provincial indexation factors (where applied) vary by province.

Unofficially, here are the federal tax brackets for 2017:


2017 Brackets 2017 Rates   2016 Brackets 2016 Rates
Up to $11,635 0   Up to $11,474 0
$11,636 to $45,916 15%   $11,475 to $45,282 15%
$45,917 to $91,831 20.5%   $45,283 to $90,563 20.5%
$91,832 to $142,353 26%   $90,564 to $140,388 26%
$142,354 to $202,800 29%   $140,389 to $200,000 29%
Over $202,800 33%   Over $200,000 33%


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