Last updated: April 28 2015

Helping You Stay Up-to-Date With 2015 Federal Budget Changes

The 2015 Federal Budget introduced significant changes to Canadians’ finances.  The challenge now for most tax and financial professionals is deciphering these changes and putting them into action in a meaningful way for clients.

A trusted advisor needs to quickly and efficiently bridge the gap between legislation and real-life while also distinguishing themselves as the “go to” resource with their clients and community.  That’s where technical budget commentary can help.

Here’s how you can increase your knowledge and value to your clients:

Attend Our Spring 2015 Distinguished Advisor Workshop (DAW)

A one-day, in-person learning experience with like-minded peers.  Explained through true-to-life situations, the morning will focus squarely on the latest federal and provincial tax changes, trends in tax changes and how they affect future planning and what you need to know to implement them in the most advantageous way for your clients.  In the afternoon, we’ll cover transition planning, focusing on changes with regard to final return filings, trusts and estates.  Learn practical strategies for building a knowledge-based practice that generates new referrals from satisfied clients and distinguishes you from other professionals in your community.  Click here for dates in your area and to register.

Knowledge Bureau Calculators

With 14 different calculators, all updated to reflect new marginal tax rates, you can answer the “trigger questions” clients have about the financial decisions they need to make, with tax efficiency. Structured to follow the four elements of Real Wealth Management™: Accumulation, Growth, Preservation, and Transition, when used in order, Knowledge Bureau Calculators are innovative tools to support a consistent client interview process.  They are particularly important in identifying opportunities for retiring business owners in light of recently announced tax hikes. Click here to learn more

Knowledge Bureau Online Courses

Reflecting the latest trends and strategies, and fully updated to align with the 2015 Federal Budget, our self study courses take the politics out of legislative changes, focusing instead on what really matters most to your clients – how the 2015 Federal Budget will impact them and affect their day-to-day finances and long-term goals.  Best of all, they suit your busy schedule:  you can start anytime!  Click here to see our full list of educational offerings and how they can help you stay one step ahead.

Armed with the most up-to-date information, tools and learning opportunities aligned with legislative changes, you can build a knowledge base that is immediately actionable and implementable in your practice.