Last updated: August 27 2013

Hear Their Stories: More Than Pretty Darn Good

If you haven’t yet read Malcolm Gladwell’s Outliers: The Story of Success, we highly recommend it. In it you’ll learn about the magic number for greatness: 10,000 hours of hard practice.

Several studies about what makes people world class experts in anything are noted in the book—here’s one from page 40: 

“'The emerging picture from such studies is that ten thousand hours of practice is required to achieve the level of mastery associated with being a world-class expert—in anything,' writes the neurologist Daniel Levitin.”

And, on page 41 you’ll find this one:

“To become a chess grandmaster also seems to take about ten years. (Only the legendary Bobby Fisher got to that elite level in less than that amount of time: it took him nine years.) And what’s ten years? Well, it’s roughly how long it takes to put in ten thousand hours of hard practice. Ten thousand hours is the magic number of greatness.”

At Knowledge Bureau, we are proud to salute our Distinguished and Master Financial Advisors who put in the more than 180 hours (6 courses) it takes to earn the right to use their designations. Together with their significant experience and passion for client service, they are well on their way to world class elite status in their area of expertise.

Hear Their Stories here. Then, consider joining this extraordinary club by enrolling in your MFA or DFA-Tax Services Specialist program