Last updated: December 16 2014

Five Tips To Help You Recharge

We have all heard people say they would rather be at work than take a holiday. 

They dread the unmanageable email list when they get back from a few days off.  Interesting,  how easy it is to give up your joy to the demands of constant time pressure.  Forgotten how to recharge?  Consider these five tips for enjoying the holiday season this year:

1. Turn off the work cell - if you must use your smart phone, make it about touching base and sharing the joy of the holidays.
2. Celebrate – go ahead, sample anything with whipped cream or chocolate on it!
3. Exercise – preferably outside, with a snow angel or two, weather permitting.
4. Play board games – rekindle the competitive spirit, playing something really silly with all the kids.
5. Count your blessings – true wealth is about peace of mind. That’s the by-product of having enough. . .do you have enough?  Consider this carefully.  Despite the daily news that reminds us there is much sorrow in the world, we have the opportunity in this great country to differentiate with our talents, enhance our communities with our values, and improve the lot of others by sharing something meaningful with them.

What’s the best way to do that?  Cherish, appreciate, respect, and treasure.  These are such great words, because they can so easily be transferred with simple gestures to the very special people in our lives, and it costs nothing to do so.

It would be good to bring these words and their underlying intentions to life every day in all of our relationships, of course, but during the holidays, we have a special opportunity to make them real. 
Happy  holidays, everyone, from all of us here at Knowledge Bureau.

Evelyn Jacks is President of Knowledge Bureau, a national educational institute focused on continuing professional development courses for advisors. See for an invitation to the Knowledge Bureau Report, or register for professional online courses to shore up your knowledge on tax, retirement, business, succession and bookkeeping services.