Last updated: November 02 2022

Financial Literacy Month:  Introducing the New CE Savvy™ Courses

This month is Financial Literacy Month in Canada.  “Financial literacy is defined as having the knowledge, skills and confidence to make responsible financial decisions,” says Evelyn Jacks, a member of the Federal Task Force on Financial Literacy. “It’s a critical life skill especially in these financially challenging times.” For these reasons, Knowledge Bureau is pleased to introduce a new series of short courses to help professionals and their clients untangle today’s complex financial issues:  the CE Savvy Biz Ed™ and CE Savvy PD™ courses. “

Throughout the month, organizations from across the country are encouraged by the Financial Consumer Agency of Canada (FCAC) to host events and share resources aimed at helping Canadians understand their finances and empowering them to:

  • manage their money and debt wisely
  • save for the future
  • understand their financial rights

Readers of Knowledge Bureau Report can participate in several financial literacy initiatives from Knowledge Bureau:

  1. Free Trials of CE Savvy™ Courses:  Improve your Financial Knowledge and Skills by trying selected CE Savvy™ courses for free, you’ll improve your knowledge on a financial issues and find out how to share or give the gift of financial education to your associates or clients. In addition, by participating in a free trial, you’ll be entered to win an annual subscription to this comprehensive library of 75 short tax, personal finance and business courses all month long.  Note:  many of these courses also qualify for professional CE Credits.  Click here to view our Free Education page.
  1. Enter the CE Savvy™ Financial Literacy Contest:   Build Financial Confidence – Test Your Knowledge.  Many people shy away from testing, but it’s a great way to build financial confidence.  Give it a go!  Every week this month, we will be featuring one of our interactive CE Savvy™ Courses for a discounted price of $39 (regular $69), and then asking readers to answer one question about the course.  Participants will be entered to win a FREE annual subscription to our CE Savvy PDTM and CE Savvy Biz ED™ Library.   Click here for more details on how to enter.

  2. Build Your Financial Literacy Library with This  Week’s Free Featured Course.  Get started on building your Financial Library with our compliments!  Please visit this week’s free trial: Millennials – Debt Management Strategies.


This week’s Featured Free Trial:  Millennials – Debt Management Strategies

The global pandemic has caused unique circumstances that may have resulted in a significant rise in consumer and business debt. Debt and cash flow management as a service of your practice has likely never been more important. This module is ideal for professionals in financial services looking to gain the skills needed to proactively help clients plan for and manage their financial health. A key demographic: Millennials.

Click here to access the free trial course.

This module typically takes 45 minutes to 1 hour to complete and eligible for one Knowledge Bureau Continuing Education Credit.

Featured Financial Literacy Course: Principle Residence to Rental.   

Have you ever wished you could solve for a problem with a more productive lunch hour; solve more complex issues for your clients?  In fact, you have a client coming in this week to discuss the possibility of renting out their family cottage to generate rental income, but you need to shore up your knowledge on the tax implications of this subject quickly.   With rising interest rates and a cooling housing market, your clients may be wanting to know if it would be a good financial move to rent out their home or cottage.  The decision can be complex.

Now you can shore up your knowledge and your confidence:  check out the New CE Savvy Biz Ed™ line up of interactive, short courses from Knowledge Bureau.  Today’s preview: Principal Residence to Rental

To enter your name in this week’s draw please visit Principal Residence To Rental and click on the Enter to Win tab. Draw closes November 30th at 5PM CST.

This module typically takes 35 to 45 minutes to complete and eligible for one Knowledge Bureau Continuing Education Credit.

Stay tuned for next week’s featured article and don’t miss your chance to win an annual subscription to the CE Savvy™ Library of business and professional courses.

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