Last updated: December 03 2013

EFILE Changes for 2014 Season Announced

Professional tax advisors should now be familiar with new EFILE procedures for 2014, which will begin on February 10, 2014. 

A summary of significant changes follows:

  1. Prior year returns (2012 only) as well as current year returns (2013) will be allowed.
  2. T1 batch filing through the EFILE Online Plus system is being eliminated;
  3. The stockpiling process that occurred in previous years in mid-January, where T1 returns were placed in a stockpile inventory until CRA opened for processing in mid-February, is being discontinued;
  4. T1 EFILE returns will only be allowed to be filed one at a time through the EFILE Online webservice, that is available in EFILE software*;
  5. EOL website transmission filing form is being eliminated;
  6. SEND requests can only be submitted through the webservice that is available in tax software;
  7. 2013 T1 returns for newcomers who immigrated to Canada in the 2013 tax year will be eligible to be filed electronically on February 10, 2014.

* Your EFILE software may continue to allow batch functionality by actually transmitting each of the returns in the batch one at a time. Check with your software provider if you prefer to use batch EFILE.