Last updated: January 20 2022
Beth Graddon
It’s time to take note of the tax filing requirements and investment opportunities that now that we’re into the first quarter of the year. This is an important timeline for investors making TFSA and RRSP contributions, as well as interest payments on inter-spousal loans. In addition, there are some important dates to note with regards to the Canada Workers Benefit (CWB) and other COVID-19 related benefits. Mark your calendar and discuss these January and February tax and investment planning milestones with your clients.
Jan 31: T10 PAR slip due, which restores RRSP room in case of exit from DPSP or RPP
Assemble self-reported casual income from tips, casual employment, no-slip interest income, receipts for discretionary deductions and credits
Additional educational resources: Now available! Canada’s most comprehensive tax update course, featuring recorded presentations from this week’s Virtual CE Summit. Take the Advanced Personal Tax Update certificate course today.