Last updated: October 11 2012

Did You Know? Measures to cut red tape for small businesses

 As part of its Red Tape Reduction efforts, the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has created a dedicated team that is charged with cutting red tape for small businesses, thereby enhancing service.As part of its Red Tape Reduction efforts, the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has created a dedicated team that is charged with cutting red tape for small businesses, thereby enhancing service.

As part of its Red Tape Reduction efforts, the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) has created a dedicated team that is charged with cutting red tape for small businesses, thereby enhancing service.
"This focus on engagement with small businesses and stakeholders will ensure that the perspectives on the small-business community are taken into account in the CRA's work,” the CRA said in a recent press release.

The CRA has already put in place some changes to improve services for business, including improved online registration for a Business Number, and providing GST/HST rulings more quickly to support informed business planning.

According to PricewaterhouseCoopers' 2012 international study, Paying Taxes 2012: The Global Picture, the federal government's efforts to reduce Canada's tax compliance burden are paying off. Canada ranks higher than any other G-7 country based on the overall ease of complying with tax obligations.