Last updated: November 10 2021
Jennifer Snyder, CEO of Doyenne Financial hosted a Martini Vent at DAC 2021 where delegates could discuss highlights (the rose), opportunities (the bud) and challenges (the thorn) they have faced over the past year while enjoying a home-made martini with ingredients (in a flashing martini glass) included in the DAC-in-a-box at a fun networking event. Indeed, there were some wisdoms amongst the olives:
The Rose (positive): Many attendees said their businesses actually did very well in the past year. They had time to work on their businesses and some increased their skills by taking new designations or courses.
The Bud (opportunity): Some delegates hired help over the past year, realizing that they couldn’t do it all. Others increased their technology capabilities.
The Thorn (negative): Compliance and technology were the theme here. Some clients were not adapting to technology well.
Many thanks to Jennifer for her ongoing support at DAC!
Join us next year LIVE in Niagara Falls October 16-18 for DAC Acuity 2022 when the educational extravaganza will continue in-person! Take advantage of early-bird tuition rates and reserve your spot!
Want to learn from this year’s thought leadership? The online certificate course from DAC 2021 is available and includes the recorded presentations of this year’s speakers. Enrol in the Integrated Solutions in Practice Management course.