Last updated: July 14 2021

DAC 2021: Nominations Open for the Prestigious New Advisor Award

Submit the name of your worthy nomination for the DAC New Advisor Award now. The application deadline September 1, 2021. The prestigious award recognizes the next generation and their contributions to excellence in the tax, accounting and/or financial services. Here’s what the winner of this prestigious award will receive and how to apply:

The winner receives a scholarship to attend the 2021 Virtual Distinguished Advisor Conference. Winners will participate in a lively virtual segment  hosted by CanFin Financial Group Chairman and CEO Tony Mahibir and will be a featured Guest Speaker in the DAC Gala Awards ceremony sponsored by CanFin Financial Group, sharing  thought leadership on the future of their industry.   They’ll also be recognized in national social media opportunities with exclusive media sponsor Investment Executive and Knowledge Bureau.

Previous winners include outstanding young leaders (listed alphabetically): Brandon Silbermann, Keeley Simpson, Lindsay Sawyer-Fay and Darren Ryan, Jon Earle, Joseph Alfie and Kristin Ramlal, Steven Furtado, and Frank Ryan.


Application Deadline: September 1, 2021

Selection and Notification to Award Winner: September 30, 2021

Award winner will demonstrate outstanding achievement in their field in the following categories:

1. KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS: outstanding service satisfaction in managing family wealth.

2. REFERRABILITY: demonstrated excellence in exceeding expectations in providing services.

3. INDUSTRY COLLABORATION: a commitment to an inter-advisory approach to services.

4. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT: excellence in breadth of professional development activities.

5. COMMUNITY LEADERSHIP: participation in leadership at work and/or in the community.

6. BUSINESS LEADERSHIP: demonstrated skills in working with a team to grow the practice.

7. INNOVATION: “out of the box” thinking in practice management and client base development.

8. BUSINESS GROWTH AND RETENTION: demonstrated business growth and retention rates.

To apply, fill out the online application form.

Learn more about the agenda and speakers at Virtual DAC 2021 by visiting the DAC website.