Last updated: December 08 2021
Knowledge is power, and if you are looking to train new and returning employees for the upcoming tax season, it can also be government sponsored. The Canada Job Grant could potentially help fund employee training for tax season for up to $15,000 per trainee in certain jurisdictions. One of our clients received that funding for Knowledge Bureau training in less than two weeks. What are the granting and funding options when you need to train staff in a hurry? It depends on where you live. Here are the details.
The Canada Job Grant is a collaborative program between the federal and provincial governments designed to assist employers and employees in developing skills for success. If you are an employer, this is potentially a good option to consider for staff training. The program is available in most provinces. It can provide grants of up to $15,000 annually to cover up to two-thirds of training. Any grants received must be included in income by the employer receiving the grant. However, this income will be offset by the deduction for the expense of the training.
As of the date of this article, Manitoba, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, PEI and Quebec are not actively accepting registrants in this program but have alternate programs available. Each province does have its own criteria for applying for the program. The following links provide details of the program for each participating province:
Canada-Alberta Job Grant:
Canada-British Columbia Job Grant:
Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Job Grant:
Canada-Northwest Territories Job Grant:
Canada-Nunavut Job Grant:
Canada-Ontario Job Grant:
Canada-Saskatchewan Job Grant:
Canada-Yukon Job Grant:
Nova Scotia Programs:
Prince Edward Island Programs:
Manitoba Programs:
New Brunswick Programs:
Quebec Programs:
Bottom Line: according to the most recent Statistics Canada Education indicators, 54% of Canadian adults aged 25-64 have post-secondary education; the highest rate within the member countries of the Organization for Economic Co-operations and Development (OECD). At the same time, we are faced with the challenge of increasing average costs in order to attain that education, at a time when retraining for constant change in our tax and economic environments is critical. Now, with government support, rehiring and training can add not only to your bottom line but also to your peace of mind.