
Client Relationship Toolkit

The purpose of these calculators is to answer the “trigger questions” clients have about the financial decisions they need to make, with tax efficiency. They are ordered to follow the four elements of Real Wealth Management™: Accumulation, Growth, Preservation, and Transition, but can be used to fill knowledge gaps on a random basis as well. Used in order, they support a consistent client interview process for firms who work with wealth advisors throughout the year to provide comprehensive tax planning services.

More Information

Income Tax Estimator - Free Trial:

This is a straight-forward calculator that helps to determine total taxes paid for individuals and/or couples based on different combinations of income sources. It is also a critical tool for every advisor who wants to show clients the benefits of an RRSP contribution, the effect of dividends on net income, how to pension income split, and how to structure income to avoid a clawback of Old Age Security or other income-tested government benefits like the Child Tax Benefit for families.

Latest Tax Changes:

The Income Tax Estimator includes the latest tax changes for the 2019 tax year.  Use the Estimator to determine your tax liability for 2019 or prior years, including the Climate Action Incentive, GSTC, and Canada Child Benefit calculations .

If you find the Income Tax Estimator, or any of our other calculators, valuable, you can subscribe at any time.Subscribe Now