We are proud to share new courses offerings as we continuously develop cutting edge and immediately implementable courses for our busy students. That’s what makes a Knowledge Bureau education so relevant and unique. Need something specific that you don’t see here? Please let us know about it.
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Knowledge Bureau is excited to introduce its latest CE Savvy ™ Collection of Micro Courses. Check out our collection entitled Asset Management, which provides you a new opportunity to earn 5 CE Credits with Knowledge Bureau and several 3rd party accreditors such as FPCanada, IAFE, ICM, AIC and MFDA.
Last week, The Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario (FSRA) sent an important reminder to Life Agents in the province to complete CE requirements or they may face regulatory action. It’s an important reminder for all industry professionals to get onside with CE now – and Knowledge Bureau has a great new educational solution: The CE Savvy Collections, which are Accredited with KB, Insurance Councils, Advocis and FP Canada.
Economic uncertainty, war, inflation, rising interest rates, market volatility and looming tax change – all have led to significant financial triggers to keep Real Wealth Managers on their toes. How can one person ensure that their client's holistic wealth plan is maximizing Real Wealth (sustainable inter-generational wealth after taxes, fees and inflation) when so many triggers occur at once?
Keep an eye on your email for your VIP access to enrol in Canada’s most-up-to-date income tax course…coming soon from Knowledge Bureau. This is a great course on personal taxation if you are new to the business as well as a solid refresher for experienced professional tax accountants. Learn the fundamentals of T1 income tax preparation and planning in this course as well as what has changed and what is coming for the next tax year. Today, we’re giving you a sneak peek...